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  1. sierra

    Mt. Chocorua and Middle Sister.

    Took my usual route up Champney Falls trail, hit the summit than looped over Middle Sister and jumped on the MS cut-off to get back on the CFT. Stick season is upon us and it felt fantastic. Fast conditions, no snow, no ice and cool temps for my dog who cruised along at a nice pace. Gusty winds...
  2. sierra

    Woman survives after dog sleeps on her chest

    Two things I'm sure of, my dog would never leave me, and my dog would never eat me.
  3. sierra

    Morgan & Percival

    WE go counter-clockwise to climb the steeper Percival and descend Morgan which is somewhat easier. I also hike with my dog, so the ladders and the caves are not of any interest. I don't care for ladders anyway, so I don't feel like I'm missing anything. We definitely see more traffic on the...
  4. sierra

    Wild River road

    For our 4th trip up the Royce's I was planning on trying a new approach via the Burnt Mill brook trail. Looks like the Wild River road is closed and it's too far to walk it. From what I could gather from the Forest Service site, this closure is fairly permanent? I know Daytrip haunts that area...
  5. sierra

    Trapped on the Trap Dike: New York forest rangers rescue two people from notoriously dangerous hike

    I never hiked in the Adirondacks, just never had the desire to head that way. I did rock climb on Poko-Moonshine and was almost killed by rockfall, barely made it off the wall with a desperate traverse with 1 piece of gear in 180ft, my second was so scared it took me 30 minutes to convince him...
  6. sierra

    Artist Bluff? Paid Parking?

    He really is a piece of work. I will not miss him. I actually ran into him once when I was walking my dog by Saint Anselm's political center, almost bumped right into him, not so much as a hello with direct eye contact. There was nothing in it for him.
  7. sierra

    Artist Bluff? Paid Parking?

    The Governor stated on the 11 o'clock news that he couldn't be happier with what he saw last weekend. There are zero plans to limit peoples access to any view point or to limit parking access. I won't be crass and say, I told you so.
  8. sierra

    Artist Bluff? Paid Parking?

    It's just my opinion and you are certainly entitled to yours. I'm not really interested in arguing about for days on end. Frankly it's not an issue for me, I go up there when it's off season to climb AB and Bald mt and basically have the place to myself.
  9. sierra

    Artist Bluff? Paid Parking?

    Because every park you mentioned has one state owned road leading into them, hence a gate house and no way to circumnavigate the gatehouse. Artist Bluff and bald rock are on a town road , where are you going to set up to stop people?
  10. sierra

    Artist Bluff? Paid Parking?

    I work for the state, I can assure you, nobody at the state house will do anything to aggravate tourist. There are two trailheads that lead to Artist bluff and it would take quite the feat to man both and charge people. It's two weeks a year and if all those tourons don't mind being elbow to...
  11. sierra

    National Geographic: Remains of Andrew 'Sandy' Irvine believed to have been found on Everest

    When I started winter hiking in the early 80's, I wore Woolrich wool knickers. They were amazingly warm and even when snow covered performed quite well. I also had two Woolrich Rag wool sweaters that I doubled up for ascents of Washington. There might have been better clothing, but at 18 years...
  12. sierra

    Mt. Hayes to the rescue.

    As a soloist and an introvert, I enjoy hikes that are not that busy. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy meeting people on the trail for sure. This holiday weekend gave me few choices, but looking at my list, I thought Mt. Hayes might work and it came through with flying colors. I decided to take the...
  13. sierra

    Owl's Head Eastern Bushwhack Beta?

    I have seen trip reports of that route over the years, there is a large old sign down there as well. There are plenty of old logging roads tht criss cross the slopes. If you know Steve Smith who owns the Mountain Waunderer book store in Lincoln he would probably know, he specializes in routes...
  14. sierra

    National Geographic: Remains of Andrew 'Sandy' Irvine believed to have been found on Everest

    Its certainly debatable and it's probably being discussed in bars and coffee houses worldwide right now. As far as Messner goes, you don't have to sell me. His book the 7th grade was folklore to me as a young climber. I looked at him as the best climber of the time, he's probably one of the best...
  15. sierra

    National Geographic: Remains of Andrew 'Sandy' Irvine believed to have been found on Everest

    Given the time frame of their climb, it would be considered one of, if not the greatest achievement in mountaineering history if they made the summit. Regardless of them not making it down, although your point is certainly well taken. I have read and studied many of the early expeditions to...
  16. sierra

    Mt. Shaw

    Stinson is a nice hike, easy but pretty nice. I walk down the snowmobile trail the whole way, it's a better decent.
  17. sierra

    Dog carrier

    I carry the mountain-dogware pack a paw rescue sling. It's works well, but it's kind of challenging to rig up. I plan on ordering the Fido Pro K9 sling as it is easier to rig up and easier to get your dog in. These two are considered the go to rescue slings
  18. sierra

    Status of the AT

    The ATC has issued a statement saying mile 0 to 860 of the Appalachian Trail is to be considered closed. Some friends of mine were down there to do a TN section and they had a rough time during the storm at their hostel before ever setting foot on the trail. They are back here now safe, giving...
  19. sierra

    Mt. Shaw

    I'm not worried, most VFTT members don't really hike anymore, they just sit out here and argue about nothing.
  20. sierra

    Mt. Shaw

    I wanted to hike on Sunday, but had no desire to join the leaf peeping madness in the Whites. Decided to hit one of our home ranges the Ossipees. Turns out, we needed Shaw for our 4th round of the 52wav list as well. I took the route from the Castle grounds and I never tire of the tote roads and...