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  1. sierra


    At first, I thought this was a joke. I have 50k on my 2023 Crosstrek and will climb Maggaloway for the third time, later this summer. I love the drive up and I enjoy the hike and town of Pittsburgh as well. I think some climate activist over estimate the potential they have to "save" the planet...
  2. sierra

    Locking Bike Overnight At Flume Gorge Parking Area

    I used to stash my bike in the woods locked to a tree, much safer. Most people never leave a trail or parking lot.
  3. sierra

    Anyone notice a recent uptick in 4K list interest?

    Social media and the news are driving the popularity of the 4ks now. Even kids are on the bandwagon now. There is a young girl out there around 6 when she finished and she was just outdone by a 4 year old who recently completed them. I don't miss the crowds or the 4ks at all. I look back and...
  4. sierra

    Appalachia Parking

    During the week I wouldn't worry too much, you can park along the road and many do. The lot can fill up on weekdays. The suggestion to park at Randolph east isn't a terrible idea, I use that lot to change and take a break when passing through and I have never seen it full on a weekday.
  5. sierra

    EMS Sold -- Again

    EMS was THE store to go to back in the 80's and for quite some time after that. The store in North Conway was fantastic and with the climbing school in the store, it was the place to go, along with International Mountain Equipment (IME). AS the years went along, they faded and slowly lost their...
  6. sierra

    Mt. Monadnock_ hello there old chum

    I will for sure, Bald Rock looks cool and there was a sign I walked by for the "Black Precipice" that sounds interesting as well.
  7. sierra

    Mt Adams is Holy Mountain of 19 in world

    I haven't seen many canisters in NH, because I loathe bushwhacking. Now out west, that's a different story. On many of the 14ers I did, there were canisters present and I know that in CO and CA many of the peaks have canisters. To be honest, they not only didn't bother me, but they were also fun...
  8. sierra

    Mt. Monadnock_ hello there old chum

    I love Mt. Monadnock, but they do not allow dogs and I own a dog. I have over 200 ascents, but I rarely ever set foot on the peak anymore, because my dog is always at my side. Well, my dog is nursing a leg injury, so I thought, I'll lie to him and tell him I'm going to work and scoot over to...
  9. sierra

    Local Climber Dies in Gym Fall

    I used to tell my climbing partners, "Remember, Gravity is not your friend!!!!"
  10. sierra

    Mt Adams is Holy Mountain of 19 in world

    In the absence of anything spiritual or otherwise, I guess you have no choice.
  11. sierra

    Mt Adams is Holy Mountain of 19 in world

    I have always believed mountain summits as well as the mountains themselves can have a level of energy that can be beneficial to those who climb the mountain. Hence the reason my house is full of summit rocks from certain peaks from around the country. Ironically there are some popular peaks...
  12. sierra

    North and South Percy

    Me and my dog made out third ascent of these fine peaks last week. The trails are in excellent condition as is Nash Stream road. Plan on Sugarloaf in the next few weeks. If you have never done the Percys, you should give them a try. North counts as a "52wav" peak, South is just a fun climb and...
  13. sierra

    Alpine Flowers 2024

    I am by no means a botanist and identifying flowers is not my thing. But, I was in the Kilkenny Region this week and I noticed many blooms had fallen off or were altogether gone already. White Trilium were still in bloom, but that was it.
  14. sierra

    Local Climber Dies in Gym Fall

    Well, apparently you are not correct, are you? Any type of technical climbing is dangerous, to say otherwise is simply wrong.
  15. sierra

    Local Climber Dies in Gym Fall

    It's not that strange, climbing is dangerous. I like hiking because it's relaxing. I was a technical climber on rock and ice for ten years, it's a dangerous sport with consequences up to death. I quit the sport after a near miss, I paced on a 12 inch wide ledge for 10 minutes waiting for my...
  16. sierra

    Success Pond Road Status 2024

    Me and my dog will be up there sometime this week. WE climb Success via the Mt success trail, think I'm going to the plane crash site this time, I never have. The road itself is typically a great road, they grade it and although I never go further than the Success trail, it's been good to that...
  17. sierra

    Mt Major - Major Trail work and limited parking for the next 12 weeks

    I think it would be enough to staff the loop trailhead on summer weekends and holidays. On those days, you run a permit system and once it's filled you turn people away. Not only would it mitigate the damage that comes with 1000 people a day tramping the tundra, but you also get out to FB land...
  18. sierra

    EMS Sold -- Again

    Me and Shay were in the Manchester store last week and an employee told us Manchester is next.
  19. sierra

    Mt. Tremont

    [email protected], we can exchange contact info from email.
  20. sierra

    Mt. Tremont

    Me and Shay need Tremont for our round 4 of the 52wav list. If you decide to do it and want company, let me know and we can team up. I would consider the standard route from 302 or the route from Bear notch road, whatever you chose.