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  1. sierra

    May 19, 2024 a busy day For Fish and Game

    Conducting such a study on Mt. Monadnock seems flawed from the beginning. Not to sound elitest, but I'm not sure the majority of hikers you ask on that hill are experienced enough to provide sound data. My pack weighs almost 20 lbs. even on a summer day, I may use 20% of its contents on a...
  2. sierra

    Mt. Tremont

    I would actually like to have that sign. 100 dollars!!!!!!!!!!! 🖐️
  3. sierra

    Mt Major - Major Trail work and limited parking for the next 12 weeks

    I am surprised that Alton allows roadside parking. It's a fairly dangerous road to park and walk on. I would go elsewhere before parking on route 11, but I don't go there when it's that busy anyway. Your point on impact is valid, but there is no stopping the crowds, there are a few popular NH...
  4. sierra

    Mt Major - Major Trail work and limited parking for the next 12 weeks

    It's already crazy busy with the large lot open, the number of cars that will park along the highway will rival the problem that occurred in Franconia Notch. Many of us regulars use the other trails anyway when it's the busy season, there are many quiet trails in the Belknaps. It is a worthy...
  5. sierra

    Mt. Tremont

    I bet it was. Every time I go through that middle section, I look at ways to mitigate the mud, then on my way down I just think, hey it's just part of the flavor of the trail, lol. It's a trail that maintains a wild feel to it and that is what I enjoy about it. I've done it in cold and warm...
  6. sierra

    Mt. Tremont

    Me and My dog made our third ascent of this fine peak. Trail is in excellent condition, muddy in the middle area, but that is normal there and it's not a big deal. Completely snow free, not much debris on the trail at all. Still blazed quite well. I am curious why on some peaks, like Tremont...
  7. sierra

    Lost Hiker - Crawford Path Parking lot

    I'll say this, in all my years in the backcountry, my biggest fear is drowning, I've been in an avalanche, water scares me more. I fell in a fast-moving river making a crossing, everything happened so fast, I had very little time to make the right move and get to shore. I have not made one...
  8. sierra

    how much fun are group hikes?

    I saw the video before, it's very good. That show itself is always a pleasure to watch. AS for the couple, I've run into them a few times over the years, they are very nice and top-notch hikers for sure. They have done the grid.
  9. sierra

    Water filter

    Thanks a lot Daytrip, very helpful information.
  10. sierra

    Water filter

    I have never filtered water in my hiking career. But, I have found that on hot summer days on long routes, carrying 125 ozs of water is getting old. I haven't done extensive research, but I like the Katadyn Hiker Pro for it's volume and basic operation. I do carry Nalgenes bottles so it's a good...
  11. sierra

    Lost Hiker - Crawford Path Parking lot

    I knew early on he went down there, it happens fairly frequently. It's not a good bailout option, but people want to get off the ridge in bad weather, which I certainly understand, but that valley just replaces weather problems, with routes problems. If it was summer, he would have had a great...
  12. sierra

    The good old Flume Slide Shortcut - Rescue

    Same old story, glad they got out safely given they were minors. They might want to watch calling the older gentleman a "leader" evidence to the contrary. They should install some of those yellow signs they put at treeline in the Presidentials at the base of the Franconia Notch trails. Not sure...
  13. sierra

    how much fun are group hikes?

    I have been a soloist my entire life, mainly for personal reasons. I do love having complete say over everything I do, it's quite relaxing to just do whatever you want. In the last few years, I have picked up a few partners that I hike with once or twice a month, it's very enjoyable to have the...
  14. sierra

    Another Day another Rescue

    It's been many years, since I have gone into the Great Gulf it is a wild place. I once went into the GG in amazing winter conditions to solo the Great Gulf headwall to prepare for big snow climbs in CO. I left Spaulding lake and found the whole headwall covered in Bullet proof snow. Climbed up...
  15. sierra

    Dolley Copp/Pinkham B Road still closed

    FB is NOT the place to look for road updates, The Forest Service is not great at updating their page, is the ticket.
  16. sierra

    Another Day another Rescue

    It is the quickest way out and that's what Fish and Game shoot for. The Wamsutta as you probably know is a damn good haul up the Great Gulf trail and yes, the Great Gulf is most likely a mess. Many years ago, I adopted the Wamsutta trail for a brief time.
  17. sierra

    Mt. Parker

    Me and my trusted companion Shay aka the Boy Wonder made our third ascent of Mt. Parker via the Mt. Langdon trail and the Mt. Parker trail. We were met with dry conditions the whole way, there is a small patch of insignificant snow on the final climb to the summit, my dog enjoyed eating some of...
  18. sierra

    Trailhead Break ins - Lake Region NH

    I belong to 3 or 4 lakes Region hiking groups and this is not a large problem so far. Like the chief said, most likely crimes of opportunity.
  19. sierra

    Wapack trail Watatic to Windblown ski are NH 9.2 miles. The best laid plans of mice and men.

    We had a knee brace which she used. I had a bottle of Advil which really would have helped, but she cant take Ibuprofen and she didn't carry a substitute.
  20. sierra

    Another Spring Day another S&R effort

    The missing hiker from 2 weeks ago probably ran into a similar scenario, but he wasn't so lucky. Too bad they didn't find him while they were in there. Although my guess (and its just that) is that he went down Oaks Gulf.