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  1. danno

    If at first you don't succeed, trudge trudge again (abraham ME, 3/11/2007)

    The tracks were bigger than my ski pole ends, I want to say around 3.5-4 inches wide. I think larger than a hare.
  2. danno

    If at first you don't succeed, trudge trudge again (abraham ME, 3/11/2007)

    This is a re-attempt TR for a trip this past sunday (3/11/07) on Mount Abraham in Maine. On 1/20/2007 I set out with a friend Pete at the trailhead of Mt Abraham. We were able to park our car right at the trailhead. yea! This was a cold day (-5 close to the summit, and 60+ mph winds). We...
  3. danno

    any thoughts on water access on AT in Maine?

    Great info MichaelJ, I will mark them on my map. Thanks!
  4. danno

    any thoughts on water access on AT in Maine?

    :) Thanks much for the responses all. yup, you are right. I was just thinking about taking less weight, that's all. I will be taking it. Agreed depending on snow and wind conditions. Sounds good about the streams, the less snow we have to cook the better. Thanks for the info on poplar ridge...
  5. danno

    any thoughts on water access on AT in Maine?

    Thanks, agreed. I guess I will bring the steripen and give it a winter test if I get a chance. Its supposed to survive in winter based on what batteries you use. I do keep up-to-date potable aqua in my first aid kit.
  6. danno

    any thoughts on water access on AT in Maine?

    I am debating bringing a purifying device with me on a 4-day 3-night trip from saddleback through the crockers this weekend. I was wondering if anyone out there has done this trip in the winter before, and had any water access near Poplar Ridge and Spalding mountain leantos as well as at...
  7. danno

    Old Speck 02/23/2007

    This past Friday was a great day for a hike in the Maine woods. Photos of the hike here: I met John and Mark at the Eyebrow trail head outside of Newry Maine. At 9am it was 8 degrees out with blue skies and it was a tad bit windy. We were...
  8. danno

    Isolation gets Bagged...and Davis 2/24/07

    Great trip report, and good beta on Isolation. I look forward to the photos.
  9. danno

    Best rechargeable batteries in winter.

    a lot of good info in this thread. thanks everyone, a valuable and much appreciated discussion. I decided to invest in the MAHA - MH-C204W with a bunch of 2500 mAH NiMH Delkin batteries. Muchos Gracias to all.
  10. danno

    Doug Paul injured in a back-country ski accident

    Sorry to hear about your accident Doug. Best wishes during your healing process.
  11. danno

    Lafayette, Lincoln & Liberty 2-18-07

    Nice TR MTNRUNR. Also, nice crossing paths with you up on the ridge on Sunday. Though the visibility wasn't great, it was still pretty sweet up there. I was surprised how much snow was down around the hut. Much more than on the falling waters trail. Did anyone out there lose a water bottle and...
  12. danno

    "You're going the wrong way" - Wildcat D 2-18-07

    Nice TR and photos. You guys were lucky to get some views of washington. Looks like a fun way to go up (and down) the mountain. I think it would make me want to get a small plastic butt-slider to cruise down the mountain with.
  13. danno

    Carrigain overnight 2/10-2/11

    (sorry for the late reply, I've been away from the computer for a few days). I appreciate your concern albee, thanks! When I first hiked Carrigain this past summer I noticed many campers on the summit of carrigain, including a fire ring directly on the summit about 20-30 feet from the tower. I...
  14. danno

    #48 - Carrigain on 2/11/07

    Congrads on #48!! It was nice meeting and talking to you on our way down the mountain. You picked a great day to finish up your 48 list. Congratulations and well done!!
  15. danno

    Carrigain overnight 2/10-2/11

    this was a trip with a friend John (an old Orono roommate and compsci dude) and myself. Photos are here: We got started out of the parking lot at around 11:00am. This was a bit late, and I was to blame. I had some business and phone calls to...
  16. danno

    Bigelow traverse 2/3/07

    Nice TR and photos! looks like a good day out, well done on the mileage.
  17. danno

    Lost hiker on Lafayette 1/20/2007

    thanks. sorry about that. I looked in the wrong place.
  18. danno

    Lost hiker on Lafayette 1/20/2007

    Has anyone heard more info on this hiker? It was brutally cold and windy in Maine this day, it may have been a little worse in NH. Sounds like he had camping gear and was able to make it through the night on Saturday, and used his cell phone Sunday morning. I haven't heard any other info...
  19. danno

    Checking out Maine's 4000 footers... (Part 1)

    Great trip report and photos TMax! Looks like a cold but nice trip.
  20. danno

    12/30/06 Carrigain

    looks like a similar view to what I had (other than snow) this past summer. In the clouds. Am planning on camping out on top at some point this winter, hopefully when I can get a glimpse of the pemi. How was the hike up?