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  1. danno

    Acadia Nat'l Park - May 6-7, 2006

    Great pictures of mdi! bubble pond, the behive, great head, sand beach with otter cliffs in the background, and even the pink granite around monument cove, you caught many of the classic places on the island. nice!
  2. danno


    That particular slide was in japan (per a friend who lives there). Pretty amazing to watch full screen.
  3. danno


    I took a flight seeing trip over lituya bay back in the mid-eighties (I spent two summers working in Glacier Bay, Lituya Bay is in the outer coatal region of Glacier Bay). I will post a photo or two (if I can find them in storage tomorrow) showing the wave height/tree-line. Thanks for the link...
  4. danno

    GORP recipes

    If I am going out for more than a day, I will bring a couple gorp mixes with me. One with chocolate and yogurt covered raisins, and some honey coated seed bars I've found at a local outlet. Good sweet carbs with a fairly quick energy gain. The other one that I always enjoy is half cornnuts and...
  5. danno

    Steri-Pen and my visit to Hydro-Photon.

    Thanks again Lawn Sale for the great info on the SteriPEN. I picked one up this weekend, and look forward to giving it some good use. Also, thanks Percious for your in-the-field info. I hope you are right in attributing your giardia :( to washing pots in untreated water.
  6. danno

    Up on the top of Owls Head you'll get a great view.

    yikes! that's a funny site! All sorts of new things to do and places to visit while on my hikes. I can't wait! :)
  7. danno

    Rainier via Gib Ledges March '06

    looks like a great trip. nice pix and TR, thanks!
  8. danno

    Slackers on the Kinsmans -- 4/15/06

    nice TR and photos, Thanks!
  9. danno

    Water filters and treatment discussion..Part 1, source and filters.

    A note on Cold Weather Use from the SteriPEN user manual (from their site): This is in addition to cold weather battery performance. The SteriPEN itself needs to be above 32 degrees to work properly.
  10. danno

    Water filters and treatment discussion..Part 1, source and filters.

    Excellent information Lawn_Sale (and others), Thanks!. I have only filtered water over the last 15 or so years, and now know I have been lucky thus far. A timely post as I'm due for a new filter. Is there a graph/scale that, after filtering, discusses amount of time required to kill...
  11. danno

    "Don't forget to bring a towel" Hancocks 4-22-06

    great TR McRat, thanks! I look forward to the photos.
  12. danno

    Canyon Adventures out West 4/16/06-4/19/06

    great trip report and nice photos, thanks!
  13. danno

    What type of backpacker are you?

    Pete, where did you find a washer/dryer/generator and a kitchen sink that would fit into your day pack? For me, I need to watch my pack weight more these days, and feel I should get a scale and start counting ounces, but I haven’t done that yet. I do enjoy fresh food and a heavy camera. So, I...
  14. danno

    Waterfalls, a scenic drive and Artists Bluff

    nice story along with some great photos. I especially liked your photo "mini brook". The color is surreal, very cool! :cool:
  15. danno

    Found Objects

    hello folks, I'm a newbie. found, yes. a #1 tricam (climbing protection) at the top of eagles bluff in clifton maine. Used many times (way back when). one of my favorite pieces of pro. I believe it came with good karma from its previous owner. eaten food, nope. lost, a great norwegian camping...