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  1. Unoman

    Finished the 48! Carrigain, Aug. 26

    Frodo, Thanks for the congrats...we passed you driving to the parking lot as you rode your bike in...i commented that you must be dropping a car and biking in...I also commented that you were wearing a Yankee buddy and I said hmmmmmm.....for sure that was my partner in crime you hiked...
  2. Unoman

    The Bonds from Lincoln Woods (it's hard to leave 'em) Aug 23

    Nothing like the Bonds...wind and all....nice TR...
  3. Unoman

    Finished the 48! Carrigain, Aug. 26

    twas a good time evilhanz...celebration time was around 12 noon...but mellow enough to handle that long down to the parking lot....great day, great hike...thanks
  4. Unoman

    Finished the 48! Carrigain, Aug. 26

    As my good friend Pete (JWalker) and I drove to Dunkin for coffee, the skies looked promising for a great hiking day. Based on our hiking history, we fully expected rain!... We arrived in Conway Friday night, staying at a friends cabin and made a full weekend out of this special hike with our...
  5. Unoman

    Jefferson (#47), Garfield (#48), and the NH 4k list.

    Congrats Danno, Nice to finish after a very tough means more after an ordeal like that...and to do it all in one year is impressive... garfield is a great peak to finish on..did it this past June and I thought I saw snowflakes there like you saw on Jefferson.... my inspiration to...
  6. Unoman

    The Hancocks 7/15/06 #21 & 22

    Nice TR bintrepidhiker....doing that route is flat in and flat out with pretty steep terrain in between... As for solo hiking...while I hike alot with a good buddy, we both do solo hikes here and there and agree that solo hiking is a good thing now and then...the pace is uninhibited....and the...
  7. Unoman

    The Kinsmans from The Basin

    Mossy rocks and all... Kinsman Pond Trail is off the beaten path, full of beautiful cascades and some old growth forest...great trail to the kinsmans...nice report... we fell into this route by coming out of lonesome lake and instead of catching Fishin Jimmy behind the hut we took the right...
  8. Unoman

    Carrigain 8/19/06

    Congrats!!!.. sorry to hear about the outdoors abuse...will be up there this Sat. to finish up my 48....
  9. Unoman

    Mt Carrigain, Sat Aug 26

    Headed up to Carrigain buddy and I with wives, finishing our 48....maybe see some of you up there....
  10. Unoman

    48's completed!

    Congrats Dottie....hope to post the same message next sat after my partner and I bag Carrigain... :)