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  1. Ridgewalker

    The Positives of Winter Hiking

    One word: Isolation (no not the mountain) :)
  2. Ridgewalker

    Speaking of old pictures - Mt. OJI?

    why not... I know that O-J-I is called such because of the slide, but just want to put it out there if anyone else is attempted to pronounce it or add a couple letters to make up the name of the delightful board known best as humorous 2 cents.
  3. Ridgewalker

    11 types of people you meet on a hike

    extremists are those who take the trail less traveled, i.e. off to the side in good weather or go down kamikaze style a mountain in snowshoes.
  4. Ridgewalker

    Water Bladder issues in the Winter

    double take I had to do a double take on the thread title...if that was the case then you probably know who to turn to. Regards, Ridgewalker
  5. Ridgewalker

    Old Pictures - Can you identify locations?

    11 and 12 look like Cannon tramway.
  6. Ridgewalker

    Hale 1/9

    I celebrate myself, the Ridgewalker, and sing of us, Marty and Tuco, and of winter hiking. And what we assumed, you may assume too, for every list belonging to me as good belongs to you. My trail, every granule of powder, was born here in wintry magic on Zealand road. Every atom of our blood...
  7. Ridgewalker

    Cape Cod

    My vote for Nickerson if you want to camp and have some civilized amenities.
  8. Ridgewalker

    Cannon: you may fire when ready sir!

    Today I want to mourn the loss of another year and rejoice in the making of another. Who knows what it will bring, but that’s pretty relative to the paths and experiences we live as hikers. VFTT is a serious gathering of people who go beyond casual to those who know the everything of everything...
  9. Ridgewalker

    Is Burning Wood Bad for the Environment?

    "Fire is horrible for the environment."---to quote a buddy of mine teaching a merit badge at scout camp. I tend to think if it's bad, it's because it was abused. Thus, burn wisely.
  10. Ridgewalker

    national parks to become obsolete ;)

    But what about the 1999 Appalachia where major cooperations renamed major features of the WMNF...from Tuckerman Ravine to Budweiser Bowl? (Hasn't a local brewer cashed in on the former? rhetorical question)
  11. Ridgewalker

    national parks to become obsolete ;)

    Well you at least you taught me something new! I was wondering why such an article would have been posted, seeing the amount of indignation it might cause ;)
  12. Ridgewalker

    national parks to become obsolete ;)

    Nice idea..hardly. This wrecks the authentic chance for people to experience the national parks in person rather than at home. If people have died there, then my guess it's their own fault. Death does not take a holiday in the wild. This all just makes people more of sissies.
  13. Ridgewalker

    Tuckerman's Ravine 1952-54

    thanks for sharing, love the tams the men had on. Too funny to see 'jeans' being worn in the snow in an age today where we avidly would discourage it.
  14. Ridgewalker

    AMC Awards Dinner?

    Yup eat first, otherwise you'll be transported back in time to elementary school with cafeteria pizza and brownies..yum! :D
  15. Ridgewalker

    Rain pants vs. Ski pants???

    Still have the Red Ledge pants you have mentioned. What seems to have worked is that during winter that gym shorts/bergelene combo underneath those pants. I simply get too hot as it is with rain pants on. Invest in something the others have talked about and use them for backup pants. Hope that...
  16. Ridgewalker

    Gentlemen thieves?

    I'm at least glad for you Raymond that damage was the only thing incurred. However if I may make humor of your thread title:
  17. Ridgewalker

    My 48 Journey

    It was 2003 and I was still fresh into the wilds and crazy days of adolescence. Who knew where each month brought on, and would be fine to say it was faint fairness that I wanted to do the NH 48 at fourteen. Flash forward peaks later into 2004 as my scoutmaster and his followers were at the...
  18. Ridgewalker

    Ridgewalker's 48!

    Hashed out plans.. All, I will be doing a traverse to Guyot the first night, September 25 and doing a summit push the next day. 26 September is the date, all are welcome to meet my dad and brother on the top of North Twin with libations and well wishes. If anyone cannot make it those days...
  19. Ridgewalker

    Ridgewalker's 48!

    New date All, I am looking to finish on 25 September on Twins or Zealand. The logistics are in need of some experiential feedback. Judging on the mileage from Zealand trail thru the Twinway and down North Twin trail, it's a long day of 14.5 miles. What if I started on North Twin, hiked out to...
  20. Ridgewalker

    Ridgewalker's 48!

    Postponed The 48 climb is being postponed. In a turn of events, my scoutmaster who got me hooked into hiking will also be doing his 48 and we have decided to do them together. This should free up people in the fall from summer vacations and be able to make it at some point. The mountains...