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  1. Ridgewalker

    Summer Hiking Goals

    Just finish the 48, and do three bushwhacks, Roosebrooks, Whitewall, and Adams Slide trail that's all for now.
  2. Ridgewalker

    Hiking a NH peak called "The Captain"

    Mike, to clarify...are you speaking of the "The Captain" I hope others may chime to readily assist you on your whacking outings. Regards, Ridgewalker
  3. Ridgewalker

    Desert Delight - Feb 27 - March 6 - Part 2

    Marty, glad to hear that you made it out West again as you mentioned in prior conversation :D This certainly reminds me of New Mexico vegetation, We'll have to compare notes on our experiences, and the height of spieces fraken, genus communicai cellii
  4. Ridgewalker

    Weeks Act (WMNF) Centennial Opening 3/4/10

    The way I saw Clarke was that did what you said, expand, for once it was passed in Congress then it could be tinkered. Fancy how overly complex the conservationists, et al., wanted the bill and then it watered itself down and built itself within a decade and a half to achieve the means needed...
  5. Ridgewalker

    Mount Clay Name Change Up Again

    I will let them know to rename the ravine to Bonzo, the road to Stallion and the scenic vista with some comical use of the word Wyman in it.
  6. Ridgewalker

    Weeks Act (WMNF) Centennial Opening 3/4/10

    True that Waumbek! Headwater preservation was a must, and I wish that I could vouch for dropping the river protection clause you mention. I'm sure if you ran through the purchase history you could gauge when it was dropped. Purchasing the land with federal money was done through a commission...
  7. Ridgewalker

    Weeks Act (WMNF) Centennial Opening 3/4/10

    Waumbek, It's a good thing you've brought this to everyone's attention. I do want to reflect briefly for everyone that much of what we take for granted in the WMNF came through a unique story. We owe much to John W. Weeks (and others too!) who took years of failed legislation to make the bill...
  8. Ridgewalker

    Mt. Lincoln - 1/16/10

    my goodness Marty those are some beautiful photos, and Rols you too do not escape my kudos for your work too! :cool: look forward to hiking with you both before we know it.
  9. Ridgewalker

    The Debut of the Bright Blue Snow Pants... or Isolation to Complete My 48 x 4 in 2009

    Congrats Lriz on your accomplishment, the tenacity, drive, and the goal-setting is always an adventure in character building. I hope that whatever you do next will be done in style and with the joy of being 'out there'--the sole purpose of hiking--and tackling another challenge.
  10. Ridgewalker

    It's not funny

    Well as the boy scouts alway say, be prepared and take the reports as gospel or with a grain of salt!
  11. Ridgewalker

    Hancocks 1/10/10 (Gee everyone is doing it?)

    After last week’s aborted attempt to nail the Hancocks, Marty, Tuco, Rols, and LarryD and I went at it again. We were treated—an understatement—to a bluebird day, well, packed trails, with one imperfection with the summit winds on So. Hancock, it was a perfect day for hiking. We stepped off...
  12. Ridgewalker

    It's not funny

    There is a reason why trail conditions are at your risk, even the most well intended report is based upon the deceit or veracity, skill, speed, and other factors and thus it remains current dependant on those cases. I think our eyes have poured over this issue enough. We've called out the ethics...
  13. Ridgewalker

    Seek The Peak Event for Mt. Washington Observatory

    In terms of finding insights for STP, I think ROT might be of use. My two cents...
  14. Ridgewalker

    A Great Snowshoe To The Hancocks, 1/2/2010

    Hey Earl, what a magical climb you three had, I felt that I was there snowshoing in the corridor of trees. I'm glad that you all were fortunate to climb, albeit I was unable to get up there that day due to the roads (sigh).
  15. Ridgewalker

    Hard times for N.H. memorial (Old Man of the Mountain)

    These are rocky times for the Friends
  16. Ridgewalker

    Bobby- serious news

    Bobby, I will lift you and your family in my prayers.
  17. Ridgewalker

    eagle scouts

    I am an Eagle Scout too. Scouting is more of a thing of charecter building than gaining expertise. Consider the outdoors as a school in which to train you for life skills in camping and hiking. Yes much can be said elsewhere, but the whole experience was a unique one that you'd have to...
  18. Ridgewalker

    Planning an above-treeline hike Saturday 11/28? Be careful...

    Sounds like superb kite flying weather, perhaps I should take along a titanium hang glider as well!
  19. Ridgewalker

    Why do you (or don't you) hile solo?

    I would prefer the comforts of having a friend or several to hike with me. However I think also it is necessary to go alone and climb, and have your mind and wits to test you, to also brood and mediate and clear your mind without any distraction.
  20. Ridgewalker

    Hiking with my fellow Kinsmans

    I think we missed you, we were on South Kinsman, heading back to the north peak.