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  1. Ridgewalker

    An impromptu gathering at Mt. Tom 01/19/08

    Glad to hear that all of you had such a wonderful day out doors, meeting and greeting one another. I wish that I could have been there, but other obligations called me away from my playground. Regards, Ridgewalker
  2. Ridgewalker

    The passing of a member of our hiking family.................

    Dear Neil and Sylvie, Please accept my heartfelt sympathies. While I did not have the chance to share an adventure with Dominic, I admire his passion and connection he found in the mountains. You will be in my thoughts and prayers constantly. My affectionate respects to you and yours...
  3. Ridgewalker

    Tecumseh 1/8

    Yesterday Ray and I took advantage of the great weather and headed up to Waterville Valley to bag Tecumseh. We used the Mt. Tecumseh Trail and headed off at the fashionable hour of 9:30. We put on our snowshoes immediately after the first two stream crossings, which was one right after the...
  4. Ridgewalker

    Food in the tent in winter???

    and lions, tigers, and bears, oh my!
  5. Ridgewalker

    Tripyramids up Pine Bend 12/27/07

    Ray, Marty, LarryD, and I began our climb at the crack of dawn and crossed several brooks with a little drama provided by me at the third crossing. Luckilly the gaitors prevented my legs from getting wet. The ascent up the ravine climbed steadily as we huffed and puffed up the packed trail. We...
  6. Ridgewalker

    Tuco gets 47 & 48 - November 10, 2007

    Here are my pics as promised: Enjoy, ridgewalker
  7. Ridgewalker

    Tuco gets 47 & 48 - November 10, 2007

    Congrats again to Tuco and his accomplishment. Kudos to Mike for organizing this wonderful outing. I had a wonderful time hiking with all of you, it's such fun chatting with all of you as the miles pass underfoot. To answer anyone's question what number peaks I have done- 31 :D Pics will be...
  8. Ridgewalker

    Boston Potluck at Pat and Audrey's November 3

    Thank you Pat and Audrey for another great year! I had a blast dancing with Donna and sampling the delicious munchies. Great meeting new faces and seeing old ones. I hope to see you soon on the trails (to some that will be next weekend). Best Regards, Ridgewalker
  9. Ridgewalker

    When I Die...

    I quote J.M Barrie, To die will be an awfully big adventure, the next great hike. I do not feel exempt in any manner to contemplate what to do with my body when the time comes. My body shouldn't be injected with formaldehyde or laid out in an expensive mahogany casket. I shouldn't want my...
  10. Ridgewalker

    Boston Potluck at Pat and Audrey's November 3

    I will be arriving with Marty and company ;)
  11. Ridgewalker

    Old Speck for #67!!! 10/21/07

    My photos are here for your viewing pleasure: RW
  12. Ridgewalker

    You know might be addicted to hiking...

    If you have three kids, you can split up noted mountaineer's name George L. Mallory to: George, Leigh, and Mallory. You might be addicted to hiking if.... *you help others finish each others lists * propose a degree in "hiking theory"- the concepts of footing and general climbing *It takes...
  13. Ridgewalker

    Old Speck for #67!!! 10/21/07

    Ray- Congratulations old friend! What a treat (and an honor ;) ) to be a witness to your accomplishments. Your pictures are just smashing, I cannot get over the 360 degree views we had. I will honored to be part of the delegation to the awards dinner next year, you've earned it sir...
  14. Ridgewalker

    You know might be addicted to hiking...

    number two is d*** funny
  15. Ridgewalker

    Something different.

    I think Quebec is another place to visit, the foliage shots are stunning.
  16. Ridgewalker

    Who are the legends of the New England mountains?

    I consider the Crawford family very legendary, for their steadfast perserverence, faith, and forsight to be something worthy of admiration. Whenever I pick up Crawfords' History of the White Mountains the rich narritive and story reminds me of why our mountains are like they are today. To this...
  17. Ridgewalker

    A Celebratory Walk on a Blustery Day

    This is by far the funniest and entertaining TR I've ever read. It was my comic relief for the day.
  18. Ridgewalker

    Carrigan via Signal Ridge 9/30/07

    Marty, Ray and I hiked yesterday to Mount Carrigan on the Signal Ridge Trail. Starting at quarter to nine, we hiked into the terrific foliage. Leaves were turning into a crispy yellow and settling into the rocky steps, making it into one of those calendar perfect memories. My companions spoke...
  19. Ridgewalker

    Are you a peakbagger?

    When I was told Galehead was part of the lists, I figured that I might as well finish them all!
  20. Ridgewalker

    Adams Slide 9/22/07

    Whew! Adams Slide was differant than I expected. It's been a hike I've wanted to do since I heard about it. Dumb question, is it steep as the books say?