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  1. Ridgewalker

    Gum on sleeping bag

    Thank you for all your help. I've been able to ice and scrape away most of the icky gum off at intervals. The bag looks better each time. Thanks again, Ridgewalker
  2. Ridgewalker

    Boston Potluck at Pat and Audrey's November 3

    I can't miss this for the world. I'm marking my calendar right now!
  3. Ridgewalker

    Gum on sleeping bag

    Hello everyone, I loaned my synthetic EMS bag out; it came back with some accidental gum/gunk on it. What would be a good method to removing it safely? Pix here: [/IMG] [/IMG] Thanks for the help! RW
  4. Ridgewalker

    Edmand's Path to Mt. Franklin in the mist

    What lovely compositions of the flora and fauna! It captures early summer at its best. Thanks for sharing your trip with us. Best Regards, RW
  5. Ridgewalker

    Air mattresses?

    I've always liked my full length Therm-a-rest after a long day of hiking. Having the full length keeps me warm at from the cold ground (who'd want to have part of their body on a mat and on the cold ground IMHO?). If you sleep curled up, consider a half length. It works if you like to go...
  6. Ridgewalker

    Two "Lost" Trails Found

    Zeacliff did have a train track when J.E. Henry owned the area.
  7. Ridgewalker

    Wilderness Survival Training Death

    I was saddened to hear of this incident as I read it last night. The whole rationing part obiviously spells disaster on anyone's part. The guides who were in charge of him should have recognized the problem before it got worse, and let it sip, sometimes in these instances you have to go against...
  8. Ridgewalker

    Wedding Bells - An Invitation!

    Congrats on your new journey ahead! Mr. and Mrs. Rankin, I like the sound of it!
  9. Ridgewalker

    Banning Crocs

    you stole my thunder!!!
  10. Ridgewalker

    Mother of all nor'easters coming?

    It's been raining here for the last 24 hours, dreary Sunday yesterday and I don't see much improvement in the clouds. However it's a lovely day to read a book or write.
  11. Ridgewalker

    Stylin' on Moosilauke 3.18.07

    No problem sir (you've reinsituted me to call people sir, and its a good thing). Peter, I'm glad to have joined you on your climb, and also feel free to make the loner climber a desktop background. The hike is a pricless memory captured in time with the photos. For some reason You Tube has not...
  12. Ridgewalker

    Stylin' on Moosilauke 3.18.07

    Thanks Ross for the hiker ID! I couldn't figure out for the life of me if that was one of us or a skier.
  13. Ridgewalker

    Who's going to the FTFC Dinner? 4/14/07

    Four Thousand Footer Club 50th Anniversary Reunion Dinner and Awards Presentation Saturday, April 14, 2007 Cooperative Middle School -- Stratham, NH More information here: Congrats to those who've made it this far. Look forward to seeing you all...
  14. Ridgewalker

    Stylin' on Moosilauke 3.18.07

    Whew! what an adventure on Sunday. Townie, I'm glad to have been part of it. Pix are here:[/URL] Does anyone else have photos? I'll be putting together the slide show.
  15. Ridgewalker

    Moosilauke on March 17th, anyone?

    You have my consent, I am deeply touched you like it.
  16. Ridgewalker

    Tom and Laurie Finish the Winter 46!

    Congrats Tom and Laurie, what an accomplishment to achieve!
  17. Ridgewalker

    Moosilauke on March 17th, anyone?

    Firstly, congrats Peter on your 48. Those winds on the top really were the final test of endurance. I was in awe of the winter splendor we had yesterday and had great delight in capturing it. A big thanks to Early Bird for lending me your fleece liners, they really warmed me up :) Marty it...