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  1. StaceyM

    AT - Riga Shelter to MA border, 7/24/11

    Hiked up the fire road from Mt. Washington Rd. about .2 miles south of the MA border (trail may be called Bear Mt. Trail? - a little confusing). Caught the AT and headed south to Riga Shelter. Turned back and headed north over Bear Mt. down to Sages Ravine to the MA border sign. Then headed...
  2. StaceyM

    Jennifer Pharr Davis - Article in NYT

    I agree! I just finished it last week and it's my favorite by far. I found Leslie Mass' too personal and AWOL's too day-to-day, but Jennifer does a great job of balancing both. Even in her first thru-hike she was fast, pulling 30 mile days pretty consistently. She was very modest about it, but...
  3. StaceyM

    Interesting Back Issues, hiking 70's style

    Makes sense. I didn't think surveying skills had improved that much since the 70s to cause complete re-rank, but I'm not a civil engineer so I figured I'd ask :)
  4. StaceyM

    Interesting Back Issues, hiking 70's style

    In the "Hut People" article it says Lafayette is the second-highest peak in the Whites - anyone know when it got demoted to 6th?
  5. StaceyM

    First The King, And Then A Couple Presidents, 7/16/2011

    Great report and photos! The subway and ice caves sound awesome. I'll definitely have to check out King Ravine soon! :)
  6. StaceyM

    Dillyin' Around Kinsman Ridge/Gordon Pond 7/16/11

    I'd like to think there's no heaven for biting insects:D Nice pics. The reflections in Gordon Pond are great!
  7. StaceyM

    A great day for Field, Willey, and Tom

    Pictures are here. My sister, Lauren, is my hiking good luck charm. After yesterday I’ve hiked 11 4Ks with her and every time we have PERFECT weather. I had been wanting to hike the loop over Tom, Field, and Willey for a while and last week while I was hanging out at the Highland Center, I...
  8. StaceyM

    Hiking the Cog ?

    This was posted a while back, but it's listed here as an escape route. They'd be using it in the winter though so they probably don't have to worry about running into anyone, but maybe that validates it a bit more.
  9. StaceyM

    School trip suggestions

    The Fells? I hiked Monadnock as a 6th grader and loved it, but I also remember many classmates didn't make it all the way which I agree could be disappointing. The Fells have some nice trails and great views of Boston, especially the Pine Hill area. Plus it's close.
  10. StaceyM

    Huntington Ravine video...July 9th

    That made me laugh because that's exactly how it feels.:) Great video!
  11. StaceyM

    Solitude and sunrise on Mt. Willey

    The sun crest photo is my favorite. Thanks so much for sharing!
  12. StaceyM

    The southern Presidentials plus Jefferson

    Hi everybody - this is my first real post on VFTT. This was our big hike of the summer so it's a little long. Rather than include pictures, if you're interested you can find them here. Day 1: Our original plan on Wednesday was to hike up Valley Way to Madison, continue on to Adams and...
  13. StaceyM

    AT - Breadloaf Mt. to CT-341

    6/26/2011 Trail Conditions: Hatch Brook was running pretty high from recent rain making rock-hopping tricky. Otherwise, trail was dry and clear. Special Equipment Required: Poles useful on water crossings. Trip report Your name: Stacey and Wes Your E-mail address: [email protected]