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  1. MarkJ

    Mid-State/Wapack Trail Question

    Swampy talk to Neighbor he's been there done the whole thing as PosterBoy
  2. MarkJ

    Mt. Pliny 4/3/11

    good rte fun wack I've heard the jar is there or not.It was there when i was up there. plenty open woods up there:)
  3. MarkJ

    Caribou Mountain - Sunday Jan 23 to Tuesday Jan 25 (brrr!)

    what was your choice of food for this?
  4. MarkJ

    Snow conditions for Mt. Blue (Maine) in March

    I've been up there when the access gate was closed and open,but not in winter.The people at the house at the gate seemed used to cars parking there.The other time I saw atver's at the tr parking lot on a trail and snomo trails crossed the access rd also.I would guess one could snomo right to the...
  5. MarkJ

    Beech Hill, Dublin NH Sun. Oct.17, 2010

    Acme mapper shows a ski lift on one side of Beech hill. Is it still there?
  6. MarkJ

    Houston, Roaring Brook, Benson (near KI, Maine)

    Nice Buckyball,you sure know your backroads! When are you gonna start hiking some obscure ones??:)
  7. MarkJ

    Help me plan a Grand Canyon trip

    I was just there in late June and it was quite hot.At nite tho, it was in the 50's. Stayed at the ten x campground outside of Tusayan which was so nice we stayed 2 days,only 10 bucks a nite and fires were allowed even tho there was a ban on that in town.Tusayan seems like a tourist magnet...
  8. MarkJ

    Best route for Breadloaf/Wilson

    Actually the approach from the east on forest rd 55 at a skidder rd near a bridge with a wack up to Wilson and the LT to Breadloaf and back to55 would 1/2 the distance of the Emily Proctor approach.I went up that way but chosse to go over to Roosevelt for some nice views and headed down the...
  9. MarkJ

    Monadnock (VT) and Prospcet Hill 9-10-10

    It was awhile ago ,but I think remnants of a fire tower were up on Mt Carmel.Does your list include pks with remnants and current towers?
  10. MarkJ

    Mahoosucs: On-Trail (mostly) Trek to Low-Altitude Destinations (23-May-2010)

    Near the spot where the pics of dream lake were taken, a memorial sits by the lake side.Did you happen to read the sign? Quite the spot to be laid to rest.
  11. MarkJ

    Northeast 100 most prominent list

    Agreed,nice list.Looks like I'm half way there without knowing about this list. Does anyone know if unnamed pk 2110 West Rutand is on private land?
  12. MarkJ

    It's not funny

    Are we taking 1 person's statement that the other report was bougus? Did anyone call the rangers to verify that a Mr Morse talked to them?
  13. MarkJ

    Highland Center?

    If they stuck a Scottish nick nack shop in the lobby I might wonder in. Better idea would be to lose some of the parking lot and put a Market Basket in.Then they'd have the most northerly Market Basket in NE,that would attract the tourists
  14. MarkJ

    Morale Booster?

    walking by a giant muddy section with several knee high footprints. I'm good for 5 or 6 more miles after that.
  15. MarkJ

    A Leisurely Trek into the "Unknown" & "Unnamed" in the Kilkenny (29-Oct-2009)

    It has a name A while back ,after doing Un-named Unkown Pond peak we wacked down that ridge and getting to those ledgey areas it was decided we'd call it "Neighbor Mountain".We were snowshoeing and with the snow cover,those open Birch glades seemed like Ski area glade material.Very nice area.:)
  16. MarkJ

    NY 2000 Highest?‏

    list Roy thanks for postin that .Talk about lists,I think I could spend hrs checkin those out from just what I've checked out already.:)
  17. MarkJ

    Hip labral tear/Arthroscopic surgery/Can anyone relate?

    Definitely get more than one opinion.When I was about your age a surgeon pretty much wrecked my athletic career,leaving me to deal with a bumb foot for the rest of my life.Is your brother on the track team?,maybe the Milford track coach could suggest somone.He's definitely a top athlete.
  18. MarkJ

    Baxter State Park

    I've slept in the sand pit off The entrance rd easy to do.:)
  19. MarkJ

    Vacation in Vermont

    Bingo rd. access to Philly ,Monestary,near Goshen, Farr,Lookout,Round, E round,Corporation.Rochester is a cool town and the Braintree Gap is great.