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  1. MarkJ

    Inappropriate Comments in a Maine Cannister

    The majority of those remote cannisters have an 800 # to the Cannister Appropriations Committee which oversees what may or may not be permitted in a canister.I always call ahead to see what's permitted.This canister may have been out of cell range.
  2. MarkJ

    WODC Outlook, May 2009

    I noticed on the Tr Bandit map the parking spot for Larcom at the orchard near the shack is not marked P for parking.I read 4 trip reports on a Franklinsite with a map showing a blue P for parking at that spot.If I was the landowner and noticed part of my property was labelled as P for parking...
  3. MarkJ

    Another rescue

    They don't call it "Big Attitash "for nuthin
  4. MarkJ

    AM radio reception in whites

    I was on the Kinsmans at the lookout and a guy was listening to a sox game on am radio and a fellow with a Views tee shirt was giving grief to the guy about ruining his summit experience.Is this over reacting about nothing?:confused:
  5. MarkJ

    Hiking in the Whites on May 9th/10th

    It's on rte 49 that goes to Waterville Valley.I was surprised that it was open,one side of the rd has camp sites and the other side has group areas grass fields, nice tables, and fire rings.I was going to Waterville campground because it's supposed to be open yr round (like Hancock) but they...
  6. MarkJ

    Status of Mill Brook Rd. in Mahoosucs?

    Swampy I've gone up from there twice,once using the rd and once from the trail at Millbrook trust.From the trust the trail is real easy to the rd.Watch where the rd splits an arrow sign shows where the trail is.There was logging goin on so a truck blocked half the rd anyway.If the rd is open...
  7. MarkJ

    Hiking in the Whites on May 9th/10th

    I just stayed at Campton campground sat and had the whole group area to myself.I was going to Waterville valley campground which is open yr round but unplowed and I was surprised to see campton open.Both are State owned with the fee tube payment
  8. MarkJ

    Avery/W. Avery Question

    yup, typo on my part.Also heard it was good lake side camping at the Round Barn area,free.
  9. MarkJ

    Avery/W. Avery Question

    You maybe looking at the stratton brook trail.I know thats a good trail,met some hikers when I was on Little Big last fall and they were going to go down that trail to a car they posted.The E Flag rd was in good shape.
  10. MarkJ

    Currier Mtn in Jefferson

    I have an old 1935 map that shows a trail going from the Israel Ranger station to Currier,which had a fire tower on it .The map also shows a Mill Brook trail off Cherry mt rd which intersects the old Dartmouth tr.Also an old trail called the Cold brook trail opposite the ranger station on the...
  11. MarkJ

    Snowshoes for Jackson?

    If you bring the shoes you can go for N Jackson as well and follow your snowshoes tracks back to Jackson.That's a nice wack.
  12. MarkJ

    Guyot spring

    Well,if the psycho moose that Rocket 21 thankfully alerted the entire state to avoid, wanders up that high and walks thru the spring I might consider treating the water.
  13. MarkJ

    Guyot spring

    Good point DougPaul.If snow fell into the spring ,would that be considered melted snow or spring water?:confused:
  14. MarkJ

    Guyot spring

    What Wardsgirl says..... I'm sorry,That makes too much cents
  15. MarkJ

    documenting 46 high peaks

    I might try to clean my Shamwows with some Woolite.I"ll post the results.
  16. MarkJ

    Winter VT4K's in a day (2-28-04)

    Yeah but if this is a Zombie thread , you'd have to hike like Zombies!!
  17. MarkJ

    "immoral habits" ??

    Is this trail Bare-Bootable"?
  18. MarkJ

    Lunch anyone? What to eat on a winter day hike

    Alphabet Soup with all the vowels taken out, in a thermos.The vowels weigh more than the other letters so my pack is lighter.also frozen spam chunks cut small to add in at the summit.Since using this technique ,no one has hiked with me....:confused:
  19. MarkJ

    A trail to Little or Big Coolidge?

    I've been in that pollard brook drainage but only at its most upper reaches where you begin to climb BC. Didn't see any evidence of an old log rd but there's not too many old trees up there so it must have been logged at one time.I noticed the WMNF line runs up on the west side of Pollard Br on...
  20. MarkJ

    Anyone not go on a winter hike because of their car?

    A VIP auto parts place near my house would not take old tires off my rims and put 2 snows I Have because I didn't buy their tires....I don't go there now and I now have 4 extra rims.