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  1. MarkJ

    The Stubs/Diamond Ridge/Pisgah

    stub you are right as usual- tho we barely made daylight doin' Pisgah.Still need to go back Salmon and Deer.Also noticed the rd to Stubs through the col seems a direct line to Bosebuck....can you get there from there??? :)
  2. MarkJ

    M. Cannonball & NW Cannon

    Cannon Thank's for postin that...I would like to investigate that in the future!!
  3. MarkJ

    The Stubs/Diamond Ridge/Pisgah

    After much deliberation + Neighbor's Cherry Cobbler tortes,it was decided at the L.Francis Campground to wack the Stubs,Diamond Ridge+Pisgah. Smartly clad in his usual velvet smoker's jacket with "Wild Dave"orange Hunters cap,ND hinted at wackin' a NH200 he had seen in a Wallace Nutting...
  4. MarkJ

    The BEAUDRY: Whackfest More 5/19-5/21

    Can-Do!! Those guy's definitely have the Can-Do mentality.I was totally out of the Sun day Hike.Should have bailed with Albee,but we did make it! Saturday on N Sisk we noticed the jar had not been signed by anyone for 10 yrs!That's a lonely Mountain!!!!
  5. MarkJ

    Working on the 770?

    Grass I forgot about Grass,nice views!My previous post did have an error,no view from W Gar,only the door handle and a big rock,Gar E Pk has the views,but when you wack from E Gar to the col you can do the great Hawthorne Falls wack which is a great view of the falls if you can find them....
  6. MarkJ

    Sir Edmunds (Jeffrey) completes the Winter NE100 Highest

    Nice!!! He kinda reminds me of Clark Kent,then he put's his hikin' gear on!I remember 1 hike we did N PK of Kennebago ,Whitecap and Cupsuptic,the guy ran a down hill race with Neighbor down Whitecap down to the field laughing all the way!Me and Chickity looked at each other and thought they...
  7. MarkJ

    Working on the 770?

    Views!!! Plenty of views on those peaks! Great view of Laf on Big Bickford,Nice view on N Hitch.,a ledge on S Hitch.,nice view of Wolf on Wolf Cub,View of Horn on Poplar Ridge,Killer view from West Garfield,view of Bond Range from Unknown Shoal pd,nice from Chandler,also Black across the...
  8. MarkJ

    Working on the 770?

    770 244/770 I would to love achieve this goal........I'm workin' on it maybe 10 yrs' from now.......The 454 would be good for now! :)
  9. MarkJ

    Crawford Notch to Zealand (I am not a monster!) 3/16-3/17/07

    Birch trees When a bunch of us did Whitewall from A-Z we wacked into lot's and lot's of Birch.I've been around NE bushwackin' and there was ton's of Birch in that area....anyone know a thicker swath of Birch out there?
  10. MarkJ

    New 6 Flags Ride: The Fool Killer

    Albee-I camped at Hancock,but got dropped off at Pine Bend and figured I would get a ride from hikers driving on the Kanc.Instead 2 women coming back from a wedding gave me a ride!!!!Can't figure that one out! :confused:
  11. MarkJ

    How many New England 3ks have you done?

    I've hiked all my life,started the count in Nov/01.I'm at 243/454 so far.Some combo day hikes with Post'r and other wackers, :) like Round ,E .Round,Corporation/Millen,Darmouth,Deception/Hutchins,Pilots Range/ were just as exciting to me as any combo 4Kr hikes.One time we did Unnamed...
  12. MarkJ

    Does this mountain have a name?

    Shoal pond When we did Unnamed Peak Shoal Pond,coming down the Thoreau Falls trail side and came upon an old logging rd going up the up the mountain.Anyone know about that and where it goes?It was pretty thick up top and from Ethan pond trail at 302 you gotta do 10 miles(round trip) or so of...
  13. MarkJ

    West Baldface?

    W Baldface We were looking at W Baldface from Chandler last Sept,Neighbor wanted to head on over.It did look nice.......instead we wacked back down to E Branch and did Black ,wackin to the old logging rd took it to the end and did a short wack up to the open summit .The Baldfaces were visible...
  14. MarkJ

    New 6 Flags Ride: The Fool Killer

    Jar I was on the Fool Killer 9/10/05 and I too found no jars.I went up and down the ridge 3 times killing atleast 45's pretty open ,so I was surprised I found nothing.Did Albee's hike pretty much (scaur ,tri's)except I wacked down the eastern slope down to the middle of the...
  15. MarkJ

    Smarts Mtn

    I agree I checked that rd also,found it unpassable.Ended up doing the D Doan trail.Found it most enjoyable,quiet way up for sure..MJ
  16. MarkJ

    Winter Gathering

    Ludlow s. Ludlow Mt s peak is right around the bend From UNC house .Hardly anyone goes up thar accordin' to the jar.It is a nice open wack,quite easily accessed.
  17. MarkJ

    Grass Mtn revisited. Good news: No bwk needed. Bad news: Register not on high point

    Grass Grass and Spruce are very nice as a seems the locals bring a lot of vehicles up there.we met a souped up Jeep in the col.Spruce seemed a little less used.We found a "throne seat" in a field going down Grass that was a good photo op.Ass and Grass,what a day....Swampy was there...
  18. MarkJ

    WMNF Forest Road Status

    Lincoln gap Went through Lincoln VT this weekend sign on the road said "road to Warren is closed" did not investigate but assumed it was closed as of 11/18/06
  19. MarkJ

    Southeast Whaleback 3060'

    Whaleback S Pk Neighbor and I signed in to Whaleback S peak 10/3/04,wondering if you saw that sign in.Chickity waited on the Whaleback and we continued on following the old Osseo which had new work on it.It finally met with the true trail and up to Flume we went.....On the way down we met...
  20. MarkJ

    Southeast Whaleback 3060'

    W Gar Rige W Gar Ridge is worth it.....There is a handle on a tree at summit.We went down past the handle and down to the col and it was a pain in the butt,hidden ledges and spruce .Might be easier to retrace from the ridge trail.