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  1. MarkJ

    Bushwacking convention in November

    wackfest Wackfest in Nov doesn't make sense.....earlier the better..I like daylight :)
  2. MarkJ

    the evolution of "herd paths"

    herd paths guess what,most of the herd path's I've been on are just that,animal herd paths.Moose create herd path's that are as worn as human path's.Hunters and hikers find them and use them.Next time you see a moose tell em to stop find dead on paths to many a summit!!! ;) ;)
  3. MarkJ

    Fool Killer and Scaur Peak

    Foolkiller I also found no cannisters....still a nice wack,tho I did it differently.Scaur was quite easy....MJ ;)
  4. MarkJ

    Pemi Loop 09/04/2005

    Guy with the Kilt The guy with the Kilt was most likely Lojack,a Nobo we met near Ethan Pond,took his pic with Neighbor,off he went.....Hello' I am Lojack,do you need a hikin Partner.......Those Nobo's are fast! :)
  5. MarkJ

    Hancocks and Arrow Slide 9/3

    wackin sounds like yer ready for some alway's smells like xmas in there!!nice report. :)
  6. MarkJ

    BSP Bushwacks; Squaws Bosom & Barren Mtn

    Mullen I meant Mullen looked like a nice peak as a view from Fort.I would not wack it from there either...we were thinkin the tote rd as Papa B mentioned..any info on a better way would be useful for the future..MJ
  7. MarkJ

    BSP Bushwacks; Squaws Bosom & Barren Mtn

    BSP wacks Looking at Squaws Bosom from Doubletop,made me wanna wack that.The south rte looks good.When I do Barren,definitely won't do it solo.Millen looked nice from Fort,also there is N got 5 day's??? Have a good week! :)
  8. MarkJ

    Mt Katahdin..another cool report

    Skeeter Hey Brownie,you saw skeeter!!!we caught em at the summit,I met him over on Saddleback jr.Neighbor hiked with him off and on......after we did Bax and Ham we were at abol lean to# 4 2:15,about 1 hr later old skeeter walks up and talks me into drivin em to tha AT lodge!!!!!Since I met...
  9. MarkJ

    Baxter State Park, Aug. 19-22

    morphed clouds We also witnessed those clouds on Baxter peak between 10:30,11 a sight to behold........over to Hamlin 30 min later,it was socked in.........MJ
  10. MarkJ

    road conditions

    In case anyone's goin up rte 4 towards Rangely or cvr area,lots of road work beyond Auburn into livermore area...dirt,bumps and dust,with alot of traffic could be a hassle....also rte 2 into Bethel from Gorham has stuff goin on too,not as bad tho,just putting it out...MJ
  11. MarkJ

    ME Bushwacks

    3krs I'm there DMS,doin em' all no matter how long it takes........put off the NEHH for a yr havin lot's of adventure with the 3 kr's.......missin link :)
  12. MarkJ

    Mt. Osceola and East Osceola

    Osceola I agree with Roy,but if your coming up the highway less mileage to Tripoli rd versus goin thru Lincoln,up the Kanc,maybe you can make up the time hiking vs drivin,if your comin from Ma......MJ
  13. MarkJ

    08-06-05: Whitecap & N. Peak Kennebago Divide

    snow You could do cupsuptic snow,we did all 3 in a day after kennabago and whitecap,go over to snow ,15 minute ride,easy wack........and fun.......MJ
  14. MarkJ

    Hubbard Brook bushwhack 7/22

    Cushman Oh Boy....Cushman,good luck.After wackin Kineo I went to where the road ends to check a possible wack from Hubbard.The woods look good there but when your up in cushman territory it's thick......good luck,don't know about Green..MJ :eek:
  15. MarkJ

    Questions about Mt. Wolf (NH)

    Wolf After Wolf,you could bag Wolf cub or North Peak Blue Ridge,both have cannisters........just don't do it from Springer,like Neighbor.......He's crazy like that!!Could be a record for longest approach to Blue ridge!!!!!!!!!!!!!MJ
  16. MarkJ

    Peakbagging Vermont

    Never met a VT hike I didn't like!!!! Been doin' a bunch of great hikes in Vt this spring and summer,liked em all...You can always find your way without a good guide book,just do your research.......had the pleasure of meetin the Vermontster Robohiker one time,he's a good guy.I got a way's to...
  17. MarkJ

    In a huff on Mt Clough 7/1-7/2

    cannister Oh were real close to the canister.I remember pokin around the summit after signing in ,came to that big clearing area you mention and thought it looked like a highway for the moose or a trail down the backside
  18. MarkJ

    Okemo Mt

    okemo Okemo (Ludlow Mt) is on the big list,that's why I hiked it,plus its just a nice peak....Gotta go back though,cause Ludlow Mt south peak is also on the list.That looks like it is a bushwack.......MJ
  19. MarkJ

    In search of the Scar Ridge Holy Grail

    whole ridge Neighbor Dave did the whole ridge solo in a day.........right up there with a Millen,Dartmouth.Deception type whack.............MJ
  20. MarkJ

    Davis Path to Isolation and Rocky Branch 6/3-5?

    Stairs SK,I was on stairs Monday via your rte,gotta tell ya campin on top of stairs would be awesome,good spot(bring water tho)Shelter is boring compared to hikin the extra 2.5 up there.If you do headlamp to shelter,trail easier than wilderness trail ,green tunnel all the way!!!!!!MJ