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  1. Ridgewalker

    Sticky tent

    I have an EMS Moonshadow used this past week and noticed that the material was sticky, but not stuck together. I seem sealed it about six years ago when I got it. How does one go about removing the stickiness? Cheers, Ridgewalker
  2. Ridgewalker

    Pack a Sandwich, We're Hiking Sandwich!

    There is a pleasure in the pathless woods; There is a rapture on the lonely shore; There is society, where none intrudes, By the deep sea, and the music in its roar: I love not man none the less, but Nature more… Lord Byron The peak, Sandwich, is truly an underrated peak, even if someone...
  3. Ridgewalker

    Owl's Head

    7 January 2012 (Play this piece of music as you read, if you so choose: Owl's Head, Lincoln Woods trail, Black Pond/bushwhack, Lincoln Brook, Herd Path and down Brutus Bushwhack. Marty, Dave, and Clarke We began our climb at 7:30 from Lincoln...
  4. Ridgewalker

    Best spots to find Gray Jays

    I'm asking around to see if anyone knows the best spots where Gray Jays are out and stealing our gorp in the spring. Mount Jackson is certainly commonplace. Is there trailhead parking lots and some trails that are optimal for finding them? Mountains are also appreciated to find these avian...
  5. Ridgewalker

    Hale 1/9

    I celebrate myself, the Ridgewalker, and sing of us, Marty and Tuco, and of winter hiking. And what we assumed, you may assume too, for every list belonging to me as good belongs to you. My trail, every granule of powder, was born here in wintry magic on Zealand road. Every atom of our blood...
  6. Ridgewalker

    Cannon: you may fire when ready sir!

    Today I want to mourn the loss of another year and rejoice in the making of another. Who knows what it will bring, but that’s pretty relative to the paths and experiences we live as hikers. VFTT is a serious gathering of people who go beyond casual to those who know the everything of everything...
  7. Ridgewalker

    My 48 Journey

    It was 2003 and I was still fresh into the wilds and crazy days of adolescence. Who knew where each month brought on, and would be fine to say it was faint fairness that I wanted to do the NH 48 at fourteen. Flash forward peaks later into 2004 as my scoutmaster and his followers were at the...
  8. Ridgewalker

    Ridgewalker's 48!

    Many years ago on the summit of Galehead, a young Ridgewalker climbed his first 48. Now, in the year 2010, he is proud to announce that he is will be climbing over Zealand and officially summiting North Twin…not far from where he started. We will be climbing August 12, meet at Pinkham Notch at...
  9. Ridgewalker

    Zealand & No. Twin

    If anyone is up for a last minute hike to climb Zealand and No. Twin for no. 45and 46 on the 4K list, for tomorrow July 24, is welcome to post here and coordinate logistics with me.
  10. Ridgewalker

    Tuckerman SAR :(

    Some of you may have heard that last night another person died on Tuckerman Ravine. There are things in life in which transpire in which we must answer to, in this case the loss of life. Last night, the Pinkham Notch front desk summoned my presence to assist in the recovery of the remains of a...
  11. Ridgewalker

    Perch is closed from 7/12-8/20

    This is the latest news that I am sharing from Pinkham Notch to everyone, and to alert of anyone's travels in these woods. The RMC Perch is "receiving significant rehabilitation this summer, and as a result, we are closing the shelter completely from July 12-August 20." Thank you...
  12. Ridgewalker

    Whims of Youth: Isolation no. 44

    After nursing my wounds from my last climb in the Wildcats, I recovered and felt that another hike was due. Instead of wallowing in my room that I could not hike, a contrary choice was made to climb Isolation. The route was to be ambitious: Glen Boulder, Davis, and down to Rocky Branch...
  13. Ridgewalker

    Wildcats: Alone with the woods

    Over this past weekend there was a rise of ambition and ounce of desire to solo the Wildcats. For some, I may have committed hiking sacrilige by not doing the whole ridge, but instead sought my two peaks from the ski slope. There is one thing I learned about soloing, can be dangerous, but also...
  14. Ridgewalker

    Wildca D

    Climbed Wildcat D from ski slope by ways of the gondola trail. Took two hours, up and down to climb. Snow is patchy and spotty. The opening of the ridge by the old fire tower deck looks good, tower is still there but now gated because the integrity is questionable. Snowshoes may be required for...
  15. Ridgewalker

    Famed Revelation on Waumbek

    After a rain check from last weekend, today certainly made up for the rain we had most of this dying week. So Marty, Rols, and I tagged Waumbek today, bright and early at six a.m. We moved rapidly in the course of three hours through the lower elevations into a garden of sweet smelling conifers...
  16. Ridgewalker

    Hancocks 1/10/10 (Gee everyone is doing it?)

    After last week’s aborted attempt to nail the Hancocks, Marty, Tuco, Rols, and LarryD and I went at it again. We were treated—an understatement—to a bluebird day, well, packed trails, with one imperfection with the summit winds on So. Hancock, it was a perfect day for hiking. We stepped off...
  17. Ridgewalker

    Hiking with my fellow Kinsmans

    Out of anything I would choose to do immediately when given the first chance any day is to hike. The opportunity to climb deliberately with friends and ponder the past days of life’s madness is always relished. But what remains singularly the best thing about hiking and today in general was that...
  18. Ridgewalker

    Baxter State Park SAR, in brief

    As the saying goes, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know,” played a key step in joining some of my friends from Maine, through my research for my book, “An American Original,” in a very interesting adventure at Baxter State Park. The plan was to come up to BSP on Friday, hike to Baxter...
  19. Ridgewalker

    Cannon 5/17/09

    Many years ago my hand was held as I went hiking as a scout. The lessons that I learned as a budding leader were on those hikes, highlighted by many mistakes and victories. But now looking behind that trail of progress, all things that seemed hard such as packing and planning the route were...
  20. Ridgewalker

    Conditions in Tuckerman Ravine

    Hi all, I might heading up to tag Washington very soon. Just wondering if any snow is still lingering in the area and if so, will I need to take along some traction. Thanks in advance.