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  1. GNR

    Water along the MSG

    Thinking of doing a thru-hike of the Monadnock Sunapee Greenway on the upcoming three-day weekend, but wondering about water sources since it’s been so dry…anyone been out that way recently?
  2. GNR

    School trip suggestions

    Hi all, Been a while since I've been here, but thought I'd try to get some ideas about a school hike for the upcoming fall. We usually hike Mt. Wachusett successfully but wanted to see if there's other options to vary the yearly hikes. We are a small special education school (30 kids, 13...
  3. GNR

    Greylock Hike 1/23/10

    Just asking for advice on an easy snowshoe route...I've done some hiking in the Whites but not much in winter. I've got snowshoes but was wondering if this is a true winter hike or if it is a bit less intense that up north. Any thoughts would be welcome about the route. Thanks.
  4. GNR

    How would you do these 2 peaks?

    I've got the next 4 days off, and need Owl's Head and W. Bond for my list(then Jefferson for 48). I'd like to do both this week in a 3 day, 2 night backpack, but can't seem to get a plan that I am happy with, mostly because of too much backtracking. What would folks here do. I can do a good...
  5. GNR

    Rare RI question

    I have been hiking/mountain biking in Arcadia Management Area recently...great riding. Anyone familiar with the area know about the abandoned camp structures that exist near Penny Hill? Lots of buildlings are still there and while most are falling down, a couple still live. There is also a...
  6. GNR

    MSGT this spring

    Anyone interested in a 3 day, 2 night traverse of the Monadnock Sunapee Greenway this Spring? I was thinking late April or first weekend in May, before black flies, Friday-through Sunday, northbound... PM me if interested so we can chat. Laurence
  7. GNR

    Fourth Iron Tentsite or Dry River Campground

    Either of these places open for the winter? Thanks
  8. GNR

    Winter shelter

    Anyone here use a tarp, ID Silshelter or MSR Twin Peaks shleter as their main winter shelter in the Whites? What is the lightest winter shelter here, other than using a lean-to? Thanks.
  9. GNR

    Anyone heard of Quechua?

    Decathlon sports is going out of business sale here in Southern MA. I was looking at some of their stuff for mountain biking, but I found some interesting gear for hiking. I was tempted by some insulated mitts, claimed to be waterproof by Quechua's version of Gore-Tex...but who has heard of...
  10. GNR

    Wind speed estimates...

    I've been noticing in both the trail conditions and the trip report section some estimates of wind speeds between 40mph and, I am not disputing the claims here, but how does one know the speed of the wind one is in? Has anyone here ever had a device to scientifically measure the...
  11. GNR

    New list for NH48

    I am trying to decide whether to start over on the NH48. My idea is to try and use only abandoned trails to ascend as many of the 48 as I can. For some of the peaks, this will be easy(Hale Firewarden's Trail, Mt. Adams Slide, etc,), but others might be more difficult and lead to straight up...
  12. GNR

    Does anybody actually read the guide first?

    I have always read the maps, and then the AMC guide afterward, to see if it matched up and what I remember...I've been warned not to make this a habit. This past weekend, I failed to read the book, even while stopped at Galehead hut, about the Franconia Brook Trail and the detour that...
  13. GNR

    This weekend at Guyot...

    How busy is a place like Guyot shelter on a Sept. weekend like the one coming up?
  14. GNR

    "Three Graces" in NH?

    I have a very old print with a view of what is described in the print as the Franconia Range, and it lists the Three Graces as near Cannon Mountain, but I can't find ANYTHING on the web about them? Anyone know what these mountains are now called or where they are? Thanks.
  15. GNR

    Oldest AMC WM Guide Question

    After searching Ebay for AMC White Mountain Guides, I found one published in 1936, which, as of this posting, is going for $190. I feel is a lot of $$$, but I don't have any reference either for how much it might be worth. What is the oldest AMC guide that a member of this community owns, and...
  16. GNR

    Trail work on Desolation

    Just wanted to point out that the trail work done on Desolation is amazing. Descending the trail on 7/8/06, it looked like a war zone with all of the blowdown on Carrigan's back slope. Especially on the steepest parts of the trail, where an errant step would end up costing you some hurt, I...
  17. GNR

    What hangs from your pack?

    I've switched to a pack without external pockets of any kind(gram weenie) and it has me wondering what others here have hanging from their packs and how these things are attached...I'm thinking I would like first aid, water treatment and my map handy and some snacks too I guess. Anyone here...
  18. GNR

    Southeast Mass folks...

    Anyone know anything about the Warner trail? I mountain-biked some of it in both F. Gilbert Hills and Wrentham State Forest and it is as close akin to NH as I can find locally...there isn't much on the net about it except that spots of the trail have been lost to things like the Wrentham...
  19. GNR

    Ice axe practice...

    Where is a good place to start practicing self-arrest in the Whites? I was thinking about a good steep ski slope, but I don't think Wildcat wants that...just looking for a place that is steep enough to practice, but generally safe as well. Any ideas? Thanks. I searched the forums already...
  20. GNR

    Anyone hiking with a torn/repaired ACL?

    Recent moves on the basketball court have resulted in at least a partial tear of my left knee's ACL...I'm not quite suicidal, but I'm upset, because this damages my Fall/Winter/Spring? hiking. Trainer friend says I could take pain killers, but I want this to heal and be done with it. Problem...