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  1. J

    Garmin changes inReach plans and fees
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    Subaru Drive biographical article on Steve Smith
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    Rescue on 19-year old on Alqonquin

    He survived because of phone contact and rapid response by Forest Rangers.
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    Garmin 60CSx records elevation change when stationary

    I borrowed a Garmin GPSMAP 60 CSx with barometric altimeter from a friend, intending to do some hiking comparisons of iPhone apps (Gaia GPS and Motion X) which run on GPS altitude (no barometric sensor). With the Garmin on my desk under USB power with GPS off, I noticed that the ascent/descent...
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    Enjoying Fall in the Whites, Sept. 22-25

    The great weather and a new season were reasons for me to break away from the Adirondacks for a few days and visit the White Mountains to work on my fall list. Besides, it is never too early to begin preparing for winter. My base of operations was in Lincoln where good lodging and food are...
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    Marshall, Cliff, Redfield and ER, 8/6/13

    The ADK High Peaks area is great for designing new and different routes, even though surprises sometimes happen. For this hike, I started at the Loj and went up the Indian Pass trail, turned onto the (closed) trail to Iroquois Pass (aka Cold Brook Pass, on the other side), and climbed Marshall...
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    Double Northeast 111 (115) Winter Finish

    As most of you know, this report covers the 4000 foot peaks in four states (NY (48), VT (5), NH (48), and ME (14)). Procook131 and I finished the Winter 111 on 3/3/13 on Mount Mansfield in Vermont. He lives in Stowe and can see it out his door, so it was a fitting peak to finish up on. We...
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    A Bad Way from Marcy to Gray, plus Skylight, 2/14

    This was supposed to be a fun hike, you know, do something different, try new routes, get out of the rut . . . but it didn’t turn out that way. I have gone directly from Marcy to Gray in winter several times, mostly in March but also in February. I thought the warmer weather this year would...
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    Santanoni Range, Descent via New Old Trail, 2/6

    My friend Curt only has a few peaks left for his 46W and invited me to join him on a trip to Couchie. He realized that I would want to do all three and we thought we could work something out. The conditions of the herdpaths were good as described in recent reports. I was surprised that the snow...
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    Killi and the Hump, 2/1

    I paired up climbs of Killington and Camel's Hump because one of them is not worth driving all the way over there for. As it was, I spent 5 hours hiking and 6.5 hours driving . . . now, hmmm, what was the day's activity? Though I must say, it was nice to eat lunch in a nice warm car while...
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    Mt Abraham (ME) Road Access

    How far up is the road plowed in winter to the Fire Warden's trailhead? Beyond the end of West Kingfield Road to Rapid Stream Road? Is there winter logging work in the area? I don't mind walking but it is helpful to know how long the additional road walk is.
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    Allen--or Frozen Niagara, 11/10

    I was surprised at the trailhead that no one had signed-in for Allen on this beautiful fall Saturday. Nice to have it all to myself, I guess. I walked down to the Hudson in my wading shoes with my pantlegs rolled up and spent about 15 seconds of bliss in the cool, refreshing water. What a...
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    Single-season Northeast 111 Finish, 6/19 to 9/9/2012

    This is more correctly a ‘journey report’ but I couldn’t find a forum with that name. After enjoying a full winter season of hiking, I thought a repeat of the NE111 (mountains over 4000 feet; actually 115 mountains due to some later additions) would be a good goal for the summer. To make it...
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    Four More Days in the Whites, 8/5 to 8/9

    The plan for my second trip in my tour of the White Mountain 4000 footers was similar to my previous trip, drive/hike on days 1 and 4 and hike on days 2 and 3. It worked and I lucked out with great weather, if only a little too warm and humid. Aug. 5. South Twin, North Twin, Galehead, Garfield...
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    Four Days in the Whites, 7/24-7/27

    My wife advised me not to write a report on this trip. I usually follow her advice without exception, but this time I am going to provide a brief summary. You decide who was right. I had not climbed a peak in the Whites in four months. I planned a four day trip to the Lincoln, NH, area with...
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    Engine Hill BW in Summer

    I took the EH BW last winter to cut over from the Rocky Branch trail to the Isolation trail. Is there a problem doing it in summer, such as wet or bushy? Would it save time as a summer shortcut or maybe just break even?
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    Sugarloaf-Spaulding-Abraham-Redington-Crocker-North Crocker, July 8

    I did this long loop hike of the "Caribou Valley Six" for the second time after a visit two years ago. It is still a great way to get all six peaks in one day trip (22 miles, 7200 feet ascent). I followed the herdpath down from the AT/Abraham junction but took a chance on bushwhacking N/NW...
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    Found: 2/29/12, Large backpack rain cover on Gulfside Trail (NH)

    Tell me the color and the brand and I will send it back to you. Send PM to me on this site or email: joe dot adks at gmail dot com
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    White Mountains Winter 48 Finish

    On March 8 I climbed Galehead and South Twin from Gale River Rd to finish a single- season winter round of the White Mountain 4000 footers. I started hiking on Jan. 25 with Owl’s Head and East Osceola/Osceola. I will be posting a list of the days/mountains with so I won’t go...
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    Whiteface, 12/9

    The trail from the Connery Pond trailhead was in great shape with about 1" of snow up to the WF lean-to. Above there, Microspikes were needed for the various ice patches and rock-covered ice. I carried axe and crampons but never encountered conditions requiring them. Snow increased around the...