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  1. P

    Mendon Bushwack - moved from Trip Reports

    Still Looking Does anyone have any further information regarding this route? Does the trail I refer to exist? How far out the saddle does it go?
  2. P

    Mendon Bushwack - moved from Trip Reports

    Thanks for the input. Have a look at the following link and you will see the trail that I referred to on the Topo map. It doesn't bisect the LT, it starts there and travels past Little Killington Peak. As you indicated it's probably a very old reference and is most likely not there any more...
  3. P

    Mendon Bushwack - moved from Trip Reports

    Mendon Bushwack I have been looking for information regarding Mendon Peak. I have found lots of descriptions detailing the bushwack from the Buckland Trailhead up to the 3rd cairn etc... etc... I will be hiking the long trail North and would like to grab Mendon on the way by. Again I have...
  4. P

    Pemi Traverse

    I will be on the trail Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday this weekend traversing the pemi. The plan is to spend three nights; Guyot, Garfield Ridge & Liberty Springs Campsites on the trail. The question is, is one direction better then the other with regards to completeing the loop...