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  1. J

    Anybody interested in day hikes on the northern end of the Long Path in late April ?

    Thanks ddann for the suggestion but... Thanks ddann for the kind suggestion and thinking of me after reading the thread about the Long Path. As much as I would love to drop everything I have to get done over those days in May and attempt to join you, I can't. It would be difficult for me to go...
  2. J

    Anybody interested in day hikes on the northern end of the Long Path in late April ?

    I will probably post a few dates when I pinpoint a few..... Great ideas Dr. :) I will probably post a few dates when I pinpoint a few good Saturdays in the weeks ahead.
  3. J

    Anybody interested in day hikes on the northern end of the Long Path in late April ?

    I think you have the wrong path and wrong state ?? The Long Path that I am talking about runs from Fort Lee New Jersey, goes north, goes though the Catskills, and ends just west of Albany New York near a town call Alatamont. I hope this clears things up a bit. Try out these URLs...
  4. J

    Anybody interested in day hikes on the northern end of the Long Path in late April ?

    Hi, Is anybody interested in hiking a few of the northern sections of the Long Path in Albany and Schoharie Counties ? I would like to do this on Saturdays in late April or May. I am looking for a hiking partner. These would good day hikes for people of any ability, since I would consider...
  5. J

    Trangia Alcohol Burner

    I recently found a Trangia Alcohol Burner at a garage sale. The person running the sale did not have any idea how it works. I want to build a lightweight stove for it for my backpacking trips. My questions are to those who may have such a burner are : How much alcohol do you put into it ? What...