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  1. J

    Katahdin beta please ...

    Hey Bushwacked ... you've asked a good question ... the party I will be leading is very experienced with winter mountaineering gear. However 1 person has not done any technical ice, and it is the technical ice that I would like to avoid. However, she has climbed (and summited) Kilimanjaro...
  2. J

    Katahdin beta please ...

    Bunk space ... hey, thanks for the beta - I really appreciate it! Now in terms of bunk space, no, I haven't secured it - was just about to send in my application for a permit. However, is securing a bunk the only option? - my plan has been to camp out and not stay in a bunkhouse/climber's...
  3. J

    Katahdin beta please ...

    Am planning a winter climb of Mt. Katahdin in January. Since not everyone in my party is a technical climber/climbs ice, am looking for the least technical winter route up the mountain. Any suggestion on routes? Thanks and have a swell one > John