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  1. Q

    squatters in the woods

    I live near a trailhead and it seems there are some people living in the woods on state land. I know they are living there i've checked out their site. Each morning they leave and everynight they return. I don't know what to do but it concerns me.
  2. Q

    Any Cats in the Catskills?

    cats in the cats I have also seen bobcat, mink, coy, coyote, deer, porcupine, etc.,and so has my neighbor. This is definitely a panther/ mountain lion/cougar according to them. :)
  3. Q

    Any Cats in the Catskills?

    Our neighbors say they saw a mountain lion this summer crossing the road. I've lived in the catskills now for four years, hike almost weekly for 20 years and have seen lots of animals, but no cats. Anyone out there seen any?