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  1. R

    Other hikes in Peru other than MP?

    Hi, OK, so Machu Picchu is not going to be possible because of the restricted number of permits and my lack of thinking ahead. Somebody somewhere here must have done other nice hikes in the South of Peru. Any recommendations? Thanks heaps
  2. R

    Machu Picchu information needed

    Great, Thanks. Tell A certain someone that someone that someone is certainly going to rock Peru in 12 days. That's all I've got. That's probably enough time to get sick of my 2 very "Gringa looking" traveling companions who don't speak a single word of Spanish. Back off Pizarro, I am going to...
  3. R

    Machu Picchu information needed

    Great! Thanks a lot
  4. R

    Machu Picchu information needed

    Hi Alligator X's, I am going to Peru, I am going to Peru!!! Yeah! So I need advice and information. Is the Inca Trail worth it? What's the best way to get there? How do we get the permits and how far in advance. Is there another trail better to get up there (less crowded, less $, nicer)? Any...