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  1. Kermudgn

    Question for all peakbaggers

    All excellent points, and thanks once more for that feedback. I suppose the problem with the question is that the definition of "peakbagger" is awfully fuzzy, and means quite different things to different people. Few of us, including myself, hike and climb for only one reason -- the scenery...
  2. Kermudgn

    Question for all peakbaggers

    Hi again, and, again, thanks to everyone who's responded both on- and off-list to the original post. All of the replies have been thoughtful, many of them eloquent, some of them downright moving. I wish I had space in the article to use all of them. The one thing, though, I haven't gotten yet...
  3. Kermudgn

    Question for all peakbaggers

    Many many thanks to the several folks here who've replied both on- and off-list. Just to reiterate: if you have a thought on the subject that you'd like have quoted in the article (and again, no promises it'll be included), please e-mail it to me off-list, worded a bit differently than any...
  4. Kermudgn

    Question for all peakbaggers

    Sorry dude, there's no pay for quotes -- it's all voluntary (like trail maintenance, but with less effort). Best wishes -- K
  5. Kermudgn

    Question for all peakbaggers

    Seema, thanks for the suggestion. Been following that thread for a couple of days. May have to buttonhole some people here, but I'm hoping for some voluntary feedback from this great bunch first. Your own response would certainly be welcome. Best wishes -- K
  6. Kermudgn

    Question for all peakbaggers

    Greetings all! Longtime lurker here, recent member, first-time poster. This is a superb site with an amazing group of regulars, so I hope I'm not violating any of Darren's very wise rules regarding the content of questions/announcements here. Brief backstory: I'm a writer for a certain...