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  1. R

    2024: Leas snow than normal

    I specifically cited United States emissions, because in theory "we" can control those. Our EPA says we've reduced CO2 emissions. Should we not be seeing some progress if the problem and solution are as theorized? Or is the problem that China's CO2 emissions have grown 500%+ during the same...
  2. R

    2024: Leas snow than normal

    Incorrect, unless you think the EPA are liars. Here's the graph showing the declining carbon emissions that "we" have, according to our government (you can trust them, they're not like the others):
  3. R

    2024: Leas snow than normal

    Who is "we?" Don't "we" have the lowest carbon emissions in decades, despite having 36% more people in the "we" category? Should "we" be seeing "progress" if this is the solution?
  4. R

    Falling Waters Trail Relocation

    This was quietly posted as a proposed action with no supporting documents: "Relocate about 5100 feet of the Falling Waters trail to a more sustainable grade and location, along with construction of a new 1900-foot spur trail to...
  5. R

    Sad News

    Very sad to hear about his passing.
  6. R


    I assume you're referring to 52 With A View. It's a New Hampshire list. The North Country is part of New Hampshire. Magalloway is one of the most beautiful vistas around. If you think the list should only be southern New Hampshire peaks, then perhaps someone should make a southern New...
  7. R

    Anyone notice a recent uptick in 4K list interest?

    I haven't noticed an uptick relative to the past few years. Seems like usage is generally lower than the during the COVID panic, but still considerably higher than before the social media boom.
  8. R

    Mt Major - Major Trail work and limited parking for the next 12 weeks

    The gullied portion is too far gone. Other than the current plan of stabilizing that portion (whether in conjunction with a relo as planned, or if it stayed on the existing trail), the erosion would have continued with or without heavy use. It's promising to see this work being done on Mt...
  9. R

    Lost Hiker - Crawford Path Parking lot

    Who knows what happened here, and hopefully the hiker turns up unharmed, but it is so important to bring snowshoes this time of year when hiking in/above the remaining deep snowpack so that you have a fighting chance to get out if you need to unexpectedly bail.
  10. R

    Acadia Best day hikes

    I've found it to be quite peaceful before Memorial Day and after fall foliage (particularly when Park Loop Road closes for the season). I find it easy to put together long, substantial hikes that have length and cumulative vertical comparable to standard moderate to long 4K hikes. Outside of...
  11. R

    Acadia Best day hikes

    I'm not aware of the Beehive being closed. It's always been open when I've been there, regardless of the season.
  12. R

    Fatality on Mt. Guyot

    Even a pair of Dion running snowshoes could have made a huge difference. The ones I sometimes use (I prefer a larger snowshoe on high peaks) weigh 2.3 pounds and provide flotation. From the true summit of Guyot, it's downhill to the Zealand col, then roughly three uphill pushes to get to that...
  13. R

    Fatality on Mt. Guyot

    It's rare that we have a crust to support bareboots off-trail. It can only take a couple of inches of snow and a little bit of wind to completely obscure an existing packed footbed. Said hypothetical crust can make it even more laborious barebooting off a packed footbed. Snowshoes are...
  14. R

    Fatality on Mt. Guyot

    I don't agree with this. I've broken out the stretch between Guyot and Zealand (in both directions, during times in which the Zealand summit sign is at or below the snowpack) with standard Tubbs Flex Alps snowshoes. It is a workout, but completely doable. The stretch of trail from Guyot to...
  15. R

    Fatality on Mt. Guyot

    I haven't read the book, but it was known a few days in advance that the day in question would be too dangerous to do anything up high. I remember bushwhacking in the southern Belknaps that day and thinking even that was on the edge. It was one of those days that we only get every half decade...
  16. R

    Making lemonade

    It's a similar story with some other northeast NWS locations. For instance, in Albany, New York, the 1900-1959 average was 48.9 inches, while the 1960-2022 average was 61.8 inches.
  17. R

    Making lemonade

    Please read my post again.
  18. R

    Not a snow dump up north

    10 inches and counting near Plymouth, New Hampshire.
  19. R

    Making lemonade

    It is interesting to see our expectations of snowfall. I came across a story in the Burlington Free Press from 1955, which stated the average annual snowfall for that city was 60 inches. It is now, depending on the source, 72 to 86 inches, depending on the source. That's a massive increase...
  20. R

    Yup, its miserable up north too

    Yes indeed. There are a lot of trails up north that should be left alone right now. It only takes a few footsteps to destroy steps/waterbars/etc., as well as kill off moss and vegetation in these conditions.