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  1. StaceyM

    Owl's Head via Lincoln Woods, Franconia Brook, and Lincoln Brook Trails

    Sunday, 9/2/2012 Trail Conditions: We stayed on the trails the whole way. Water crossings were low enough to rock hop. Trails were dry except for the mile or so from the base of the slide, which had some good boot-sucking mud. Slide was mostly dry except for the upper section in the trees...
  2. StaceyM

    Mt. Adams via King Ravine

    Date of Hike: 5/27/2012 Trail Conditions: Mostly dry. Some minor mud in a few places. Still a bit of snow and ice in the Subway, but didn't pose any issues. Surprisingly few black flies. No major blowdowns. Airline and Shortline are in great shape. Valley Way was more eroded, but I guess that's...
  3. StaceyM

    Holy Visibility, Batman!

    Very cool! I've heard it's possible to see Boston from the top, but it has never been clear enough for me. :)
  4. StaceyM

    Mt. Garfield Trail - Mt. Garfield

    10/29/2011 Conditions are probably pointless now, but things were just starting to freeze up on Saturday. 1-2 inches of snow near the top with some ice. Water crossings were easy. We used our microspikes for the upper half of the trail. Full report and photos here.
  5. StaceyM

    Dmso ?

    In addition to being a solvent and vehicle for drug testing as mentioned before, the lab I work in uses DMSO as a cryoprotectant for freezing cell lines. I don't know what it does to organisms, but on a cellular level it kills at high concentrations, so I personally wouldn't want to take it.
  6. StaceyM

    Jefferson Sunrise via caps ridge trail 8/21

    Looks like a great hike! Caps Ridge is one of my favorites. I don't blame you for playing it safe - maybe I'm a wuss but I don't like messing around with lighting above treeline. :o
  7. StaceyM

    Rock-hopping to the Tripyramids up Sabbaday Brook Trail

    Wes and I spent the weekend in Wolfeboro with Wes’ parents. The Kancamagus Hwy is pretty close by so we opted for North and Middle Tripyramids following the Sabbaday Brook Trail up to the col between the peaks, where we hiked up to each on the Mt. Tripyramid Trail. Sabbaday Brook Trail is very...
  8. StaceyM

    Describe your ideal guidebook...

    Reason #1 why I hate the AMC Catskills guide/map. The parking areas are not accurate and there is very little in the guidebook about them. Also it's written in kind of a negative tone - lots of complaining about trail conditions and features which is odd for a book on hiking. Anyway, in...
  9. StaceyM

    Are poles worth it?

    Sorry to hear about your fall and glad you are okay! I bought poles a few years ago after renting them for a winter hike. I'm with nartreb - they are nice for an extra boost, especially in the snow. Uphill I find my calves burn less, downhill my knees hurt less, and I'm overall not as tired...
  10. StaceyM

    What (or who) got you hiking?

    Sometimes it's good to look back. Thanking people for teaching us something can sometimes be as rewarding as the initial lesson :)
  11. StaceyM

    What (or who) got you hiking?

    That's awesome. My grandparents taught me cribbage too - it's my favorite card game :) I'm really enjoying reading everyone's responses!
  12. StaceyM

    What (or who) got you hiking?

    I think most people share similar reasons for why they continue to hike, but I was curious if people had a specific person or event that kick-started their hiking habit. Maybe some were discouraged by a first hike, but came back anyway or maybe it's a family tradition. Anyway, I thought it might...
  13. StaceyM

    Jefferson via Caps Ridge

    Wonderful photos - that trail is so much fun! :)
  14. StaceyM

    Family sues Park Service over Aggressive Goat

    $10 million?! Ambulance chasing at its worst. Ugh. Also, there's a whole series of "When animals attack" TV shows for a reason - they can be aggressive. It's a shame a hiker (and a goat) was killed, but rather than rehash the debate on personal responsibility in the wilderness I'll also defer...
  15. StaceyM

    Extended Southern Presi Traverse in the Clouds…Practice For Something Bigger?

    As much as I love a clear day, I think watching the clouds sweep over the mountains is just spectacular - so personally I'm kind of glad you failed at #2 :D Besides, #3 is the most important one to succeed at!
  16. StaceyM

    Blue Job Mountain: 08-02-2011

    I'm always amazed and pleased how changing seasons and the time of day can reveal the beauty in a place we may otherwise thing of as ordinary. Nice post and pictures.
  17. StaceyM

    Kids and Happy Chaos on Moriah and the Carters. July 30-31, 2011.

    Sounds like a fun couple of days, heavy pack aside. Congrats to Sage, she is plowing through them! (and I love the name Mr. Beefy - that cracked me up! :D)
  18. StaceyM

    Jennifer Pharr Davis - Article in NYT

    Amazing! Congrats to her and her support team!
  19. StaceyM

    Brown Bear attacks group of teens in Alaska

    If I've learned anything in grad school, it's not to trust someone solely for their degree title. That's not to say all Ph.Ds are unreliable, but academics are people too and can make mistakes or miss important points. And some unfortunately do try to prove their theory correct (whether it is or...
  20. StaceyM

    The Girls, the Pup, the Kilt, and Two Cheetahs. Eisenhower and Pierce, July 24, 2011.

    Great TR and pictures! Looks like a great day and kudos to Alex on tackling Shakespeare - he was tough for me even through high school, and I wasn't memorizing lines :D