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  1. J

    Locking Bike Overnight At Flume Gorge Parking Area

    Plus, there's less of a chance you'll have to ride back to your car in the dark.
  2. J

    Locking Bike Overnight At Flume Gorge Parking Area

    When I leave a bike at a trailhead, I worry about those who might see me walking my bike into the woods on a hiking trail.
  3. J

    Locking Bike Overnight At Flume Gorge Parking Area

    Wouldn't the bike thief just have to roll the bike out of the woods to his car?
  4. J

    Locking Bike Overnight At Flume Gorge Parking Area

    I did something similar once, but not overnight. Rather than locking the bike to a rack which is visible to everyone, I hid mine in the woods and it was still there when I returned. I've thought about buying a cheap bike just for that purpose.
  5. J

    AT in Mass

    There's a small parking lot for AT hikers east of where the AT crosses MA Route 2. If you park there, it's about .6 miles west to a bus stop at Stop & Shop. Take that bus to downtown North Adams and get on the bus to Walmart. Then get on the bus to Cheshire and get off where the AT crosses...
  6. J

    Lowe Alpine Contour IV

    I've done the stay shaping on a couple of Serratus packs. I achieved the best results by removing the stays and shaping them to match the shape of my spine. After removing the stays and my shirt, I looked in a mirror to see if the stays matched my spine. Because the stays were bent...