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  1. Catman

    Baxter State Park bushwhacks

    Has anyone on here gone up the Bald on the Center Pond side of the park? I was in there a couple weeks ago on a different type of adventure (old growth and virgin stand searches), and it seems intriguing. Same with Center Mtn from the Pond? I'll be back in there at the end of July and looking...
  2. Catman

    Baxter State Park bushwhacks

    We talked about that ridge when we go back. Our route down was more from the nw basin side. We even found a small cairns!
  3. Catman

    Baxter State Park bushwhacks

    Of course. My route up and out is not worth reliving nor recommended.
  4. Catman

    Baxter State Park bushwhacks

    Pinnacle is excellent though I think I went a different way than the older amc guides suggested. I've done it twice. Once, I went to the open lower boulder field nearest the ridge proper and sidehilled that to the steeeep, sloughy (at least at first) ridge. Then right up the steep spine. There's...