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  1. btzimr

    Success Pond Rd. in Winter

    A few years ago I met a woman on a hike; she and her husband own one of the cabins out by Success Pond. She shared that her husband and another neighbor plow the road at their own time and expense. It is not treated, so studs or chains are a great idea.
  2. btzimr

    Interest in winter hiking groups/training - NH

    AMC NH Chapter runs two, weekend-long, winter schools at Cardigan Lodge. One workshop is in January, the other in February. There are openings in both weekends. The NH Chapter also offers a very well run Winter Hiking Series (WHS). This series is targeted to those actively hiking the 4's, and...
  3. btzimr

    It's not a Direttissima, it's a Delicatessen 9/14-9/28/2024

    I marvel at your sense of adventure. Great post, writing, photos.... Thanks for sharing your delicatessen