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  1. mavs00

    What range is this?

    Neil is right..... Wilmington range
  2. mavs00

    Genetic basis for peakbagging patches.

    You know, I remember reading this thread the other day and thinking "Pleeeeh, another one of Neil's useless and dumb threads". Boys will be boys. Who really puts much stock in the number (or size) of patches one has dangling from their rucksack? Is that really the measure of a man? Is it not the...
  3. mavs00

    Swanson/Gene ADK222 & ADKp50 completed on Crane

    Ocoman, you have officially reached "legend status" in my eyes. Your reports are always a joy to read. I'd have to check my list that Lee Barry sent me (there are over 270 peaks on it), and I'd be surprised if most or all of those peaks are not on their list. If I ever find time I'll check. If...
  4. mavs00

    Adirondack Journey

    We had a thread on this about 2 months ago over on ADKHP. I had a flurry of e-mail with Joel's wife, Alice, around the time of that thread. I knew Joel, via email exchanges, from the time I was "doing my own" Adirondack Journey (and...
  5. mavs00

    Adirondack Hundred Highest

    Actually, back a few years ago, when I was climbing a few of these (and posting reports and talking about it a lot with a few others online), we actually found a few "birch bark" notes on the summit's left by people who knew we were hiking a given peak on a given day, and they left em for us. :D...
  6. mavs00

    mt adams

    **UPDATE** - We are currently working with the DEC to get the tower fully restored and open (once again) to the public. Our target is the Spring of 2010. The wheels never move that quick when the state is involved. -MORE DETAILS HERE-
  7. mavs00

    WITH PIPE & BOOK is closing

    Bummer, I love that store. I picked up a couple of first print classic ADK books in there. I don't smoke pipes, but I love the smell in humidor. Reminded me of my long deceased un pépère (god rest his sole). All good things must pass.I wish the Turners well in retirement.
  8. mavs00

    Adkhighpeaks Foundation accepting requests for grants

    Submissions closed. Thanks everyone.
  9. mavs00

    Adirondack bbq

    That's the week before we have to take Nick off to college, but so long as Rik's not gonna be there, I think we're gonna try to make it to if that's cool. We've missed the last few due to travel. Ummmmmmmmm, Is there going to be beer there. :D
  10. mavs00

    Thanks all

    Thanks all
  11. mavs00

    Adkhighpeaks Foundation accepting requests for grants

    That too :D Remember, we must provide grants only to other 501c(3) organizations and qualifying institutional agencies (Universities, schools, Towns, etc.....)
  12. mavs00

    Adkhighpeaks Foundation accepting requests for grants

    Hi All, I asked for and received permission from Darren to post this. It IS NOT a fundraising solicitation (the opposite actually). We (several of us) have created a 501c(3) non-profit Foundation that raises money and then distributes the money to specific unfunded projects within the NYS Forest...
  13. mavs00

    Taking kids into Tuckerman Ravine in bad weather

    What he said. Consider me a #1, and am actually surprised at how much of the sentiment in this thread amounts to #2 ;) Oh yeah.......... Since we're in NH............. LIVE FREE OR DIE.
  14. mavs00

    Shin Murnane passed away on the trail

    Sad story............ I wish much peace for his family and friends.
  15. mavs00

    Danish investors buy huge chunk of Adirondack land

    Does that mean we need to start learning Danish. Good thing I've been practicing. "Ville jer have lyst til gå i stykker hiking?"
  16. mavs00

    Winter VT4K's in a day (2-28-04)

    I wonder if the OP could duplicate this hike and time? I think it would be a great challenge, considering how much OLDER they are now. :eek: :D I smell challenge. p.s. Make sure to report the result back.
  17. mavs00

    documenting 46 high peaks

    I wrote my reports in the spiritual language that reflects my inner peace. 山の上で行ったり、酔ったの下に来た They never wrote me back ;) It would have been easier when I sent mine to type em up and e-mail them to my correspondent. He said "no, do it this way, that how we like them". I dusted off the ole'...
  18. mavs00

    Has it been that long. I'm a busy guy.....

    Has it been that long. I'm a busy guy.....
  19. mavs00

    Favorite Adirondack bushwhack peak?

    Cheney Cobble and North River. Just cuz...... I have fond memories of Lewey too. Just the 3rd time I did it though. The first 2 kinda sucked. :D A couple in the FB range too. Just not Fishing Brook #2 (that place is hell on earth).
  20. mavs00

    Not sure you give a crap..............but what the hell. I'll wish you a happy birthday.

    Not sure you give a crap..............but what the hell. I'll wish you a happy birthday.