08-13-05 Dorset &/or Equinox, 08-14-05 Mendon/Killington/Pico.


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Mar 20, 2005
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Maine, Avatar: NE3k
I'll be spending a week in Vermont enjoying the HH & 4k peaks. My plan is to drive to Vermont Friday night or early Saturday morning to hike Dorset and if time allows Equinox. The following day, Sunday, I'd like to do the Mendon bushwack and then onto Killington & Pico. Monday I'll be meeting up with Papa Bear and together we've set our sites on the remaining HH & 4K peaks.

If anyone would like to join me Saturday or Sunday please PM, Email, or Post...

Onestep Did I understand correctly Equinox and Dorset on the same day? My hats off to you if you can do that. A few of us did Equinox a few years ago and found it as tough as any Mt with a similar length trail. Perhaps it was the day, the weather or something else but that puppy was a bit of work.

Dorset is on my to do list if it looks like I will be able that day I may join you. Can't be sure right now though. We are doing Jay and Big Jay on the 9th and life may have other plans for me right after.
My apologies for not getting my trip report from Mendon/Killington/Pico last weekend posted before your trek!

All I'll tell you is this ... the cairn is where it is for a reason. If you think there's a herd path about 20' away, and you say to yourself "If the path is here, why is the cairn there?" then you should repeat those words out loud.

Several times.
MichaelJ said:
All I'll tell you is this ... the cairn is where it is for a reason. If you think there's a herd path about 20' away, and you say to yourself "If the path is here, why is the cairn there?" then you should repeat those words out loud.

Yikes, you've got me second guessing my "plan of attack"...

I was thinking of going up the road past the third cairn and then head into the woods in a SW direction towards the ridge. My hope is to avoid the thick spruce by being S of it...

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