1981 AT killer linked to new shootings


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Words fail me except to say I hope the fishermen recover.
That part about the skull and crossbones in the shelter register was disturbing. A couple weeks ago on the AT in New York I noticed a skull and crossbones drawn onto a white blaze on a tree. I figured it was just a kid with a Sharpie, but after reading the article it makes me wonder...
Thats awful.

Hard to believe this guy killed 2 AT hikers in 1981, and only gets 15 years? :eek: Then gets out and (allegedly) tries to do it again years later in the same spot. Hopefully he'll get more than 15 years this time. :mad:
amstony said:
Thats awful.

Hard to believe this guy killed 2 AT hikers in 1981, and only gets 15 years? :eek: Then gets out and (allegedly) tries to do it again years later in the same spot. Hopefully he'll get more than 15 years this time. :mad:

I was thinking the same thing when I read this, Tony. Two back to back 15 year sentences for murdering two people. That seems light to begin with, then to serve out only half of it?? Cripes...

I'm sure thru hikers, their families and friends alike are breathing a big sigh of relief right now knowing this man is in custody.

Wardsgirl, just out of curiosity, where did you see that in NY??
una_dogger said:
I was thinking the same thing when I read this, Tony. Two back to back 15 year sentences for murdering two people. That seems light to begin with, then to serve out only half of it?? Cripes...

I know, not so uncommon actually. Had the state kept him in, releasing him in 2011 (30 years), these 2 guys could have enjoyed a nice fishing trip on the AT and gone home to their families.

Instead they are in hospitals. :( Allot of tragic incidents on the trails the last 6-8 months, or at least allot of publicity about it.
una_dogger said:
I was thinking the same thing when I read this, Tony. Two back to back 15 year sentences for murdering two people. That seems light to begin with, then to serve out only half of it?? Cripes... QOUTE]

I know, not so uncommon actually. Had the state kept him in, releasing him in 2011 (30 years), these 2 guys could have enjoyed a nice fishing trip on the AT and gone home to their families.

Instead they are in hospitals. :( Allot of tragic incidents on the trails the last 6-8 months, or at least allot of publicity about it.
Yes, I know. After reading this story I once again thought of Meredith.

Leaf and I had a run in with a very scary pair of men on the AT in Vermont last Labor Day Weekend, around the same time frame that K,J, and E had a disturbing experience with a man on Camel's Hump. Similar looking guy to the description, yet, lots of creepy looking guys look the same so....but I still get a very strong feeling that the man we encountered could have been the same guy who killed Meredith...or at the very least was up to no good. Can't even begin to explain the depth of the negative energy I felt. Creepy.

Sorry for the thread drift....
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