Check out the Ravines Webcam from Mt Washington Obs...... yikes~!!!!!
time to switch to Winter Mode.
On my drive to work this morning it was all rain across 2 to Gorham and up to Dolly Copp/Pinkham B Road.
By the time I got to Dolly Copp Picnic Area, there was 2" slush on 16, at Great Glen, it was ALL SNOW, quite slippy, and I was in 4wheel. NHDOT was plowing and salting 16 by 8:30. A couple of slip-slide-off the road- accidents in the AMC /Wildcat area. Snowing VERY heavily in that mini-marshmallow way at just about 32 degres.
On the way down 16N to Gorham at 10 AM, it was definitely winter-white on the ground and trees at the Dolly Copp Road, and beginning to accumulate at the Ranger Station.