2.4 OUNCE Backpack!


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Tom Rankin

Well-known member
Sep 28, 2004
Reaction score
Bloomville, New York
No, that's not a Tpyo! :D

Description here.

It's not huge of course, but it's only $27.95, and I hear it compresses to less than the size of a baseball.

Does anyone have one?
I've got one of those drawstring nylon bags they give away at conferences to hold all those useless glossy brochures (plus important stuff like the meals schedule) - not as slick but it was free.
I bought a very similar looking pack at EMS and keep it in my pack as a stuff sack which can also be used as a "summit bid" pack if I was ever so inclined. It might have been useful on a backpack when we circumnavigated Owls Head. One of our group didn't want to bag the summit, as she had already gone there and didn't care to go again and would watch our big packs. I, for one, dislike leaving my pack on the trail.
Dyneema is 15 times stronger than steel and makes for an extremely rugged long lasting pack. A Dyneema pack could very well be the last backpack you ever buy. There are two negatives with this material though. #1 it only comes in white. #2 It's very expensive but since it's so strong you actually save money in the long run. There are a few pack makers using this material currently.

I am partial to packs made by a company called Cilogear. They have both Dyneema and conventional nylon material packs.
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