3 trail peaks, 1 non-trail peak, but 4 'whacks


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In Memoriam to a Deceased Member
Mar 15, 2004
Reaction score
Concord NH
Sunday March 2, OneStep, Mark R, Al D, Damon and myself hiked Bulge, Horn and Unknown Pond Peak via the Unknown Pond Trail and the Kilkenny Ridge Trail.

A nice group of kid from Gould Academy in Bethel, ME had been camping below the junction for the past week, so the UP trail was well-broken out.

From the jct. to the Horn, things got interesting. We had some trouble finding the trail but were successful until it started to contour around on the north side. At that point we lost it, and perhaps from an excess of testosterone, decided to 'whack to the summit.

Problem was, there were several feet of unconsolidated snow in the region, so we expended quite a bit of energy getting up there. Despite all that, we finally stood on the very cold and windy, but sunny, summit at noon, having left the cars at 7:40.

Easily following the spur trail down to the col between Bulge and Horn, we then sort of followed the trail to the Bulge, arriving there at 1. Back down to the col, then out on the REAL trail until we met our ingoing footsteps, back to the junction, and then a fairly straightforward trail walk to the height of land and 'whack to Unknown Pond Peak, where we signed in at two jars. Last legible entry was PigPen on 12/08/07.

Back at the cars at 5 p.m.

Trails are now nicely broken out.

Today, Damon Al and I did East Terrace, via York Pond and Kilkenny Ridge Trails. No trouble with YP although it didn't seem to have been broken out since HikerDoc, Al, Anita and I did it 5 weeks ago.

KR trail was something else. Blazes are faded, illegible, painted on peeling birch bark, you name it. We managed, thanks to Damon's sharp eyes, to follow the trail to about 2800 feet, but then gave up and 'whacked the rest, including a nice pitch of about 35 degrees with waist-deep snow. Added to that, we got rained upon!

Still, having left the car at 7:45, we reached the summit at 12:15. Although it was slightly windy, the wind was warm, and the rain finally stopped. The trip back took 2 hours, and was complicated up high by sticky snow, but we finally walked out of that and the sun came out for the finale!

All in all, 4 peaks in 2 days, with a lot of trail breaking, just like the old-timers reminisce about. :cool:
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