3500 Club Link


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mcorsar said:
Just an FYI for the mods. The Catskill 3500 Club link from this site no longer goes to the right place. If you'd like to update it, the new address is: http://www.catskill-3500-club.org/


I assume you are referring to http://www.vftt.org/info.html ?

Also, the White Mountain Server link still gets me to http://hikethewhites.com/ , but it has to be redirected. I suspect that redirection will not work forever.

Finally, to end my rant, the 111'ers page is all in French. I think there are also 111 pages en Anglais, non ? :D
Tom Rankin said:
Finally, to end my rant, the 111'ers page is all in French. I think there are also 111 pages en Anglais, non ? :D
La page en anglais :)

This is the actual page (extracted from the infernal frames it hides behind) from Charles Leduc's site. It is out of date, giving Priscilla Robertson as contact. A much briefer page, with up to date contact information but no peak lists, is given on the AMC's Four Thousand Footer Committee's web site: The Northeast 111 Club