363,000 acre Conservation Easment near Moosehead lake


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In Rembrance , July 2024
VFTT Supporter
Sep 3, 2003
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Gorham NH
One of the benefits of the Plum Creek Development for the Moosehead area was that there was a lot of the surrounding timberland would be put into consevation easement. There are not a lot of details in the article but I expect they will be after the official annoucement. Generally the easements allow continued logging on a "sustainable basis" so its not the "wilderness" that some folks would like but basically recreates what was in place wnen the paper companies owned it with some added protections by the addition of sustainable forestry requirements and protection of high value areas.I will note that if you look at the Maine Wood National Park concept of a several years ago (not the recent Quimby proposal) , much of the land lies in the core of the MWNP area. Of course on a high level view, the new clusters of development permitted by Plum Creek are not as apparent.

Well, I guess something is better than nothing.

I'm heading to Moosehead for some paddling and camping.
It's on the "See it now before it's gone" list these past few years.

Tough thing is I went to the lumber yard the other day and sure enough Plum Creek products all over the place.
Seems there is no escaping them .