3K border peaks Aug 25-25-27


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Papa Bear

New member
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
New York City
I'm getting set to go up to western Maine near the Canadian border next week. I will be doing a bunch of border peaks, mosty 3Ks, and mostly with benchmarks.

Some of you may be interested in what I'm planning Friday and Saturday and perhaps Sunday. Someone who has time off may be interested in my mid-week plans. Wednesday and Thursday nights I plan to stay in Woburn Quebec (right across the border) and then Friday and Saturday night at Lake Francis Campgroung in Pittsburg NH.

PM or email me if you have any interest and we can set up a place to meet. I'll be starting early each day. I will meet Oncoman (Pierre) early on Saturday morning and we will hike together Saturday and Sunday.

Wednesday (Aug 23): Travel from Boston to Maine via I-95, Route 4 and Route 27 through Stratton. Climb Kibby (again) and Rain (not the 3K) for bench marks. Drive to Woburn Quebec and stay at Arnold Motel.

Thursday (Aug 24): Climb several peaks in Zec Gosford (for bench marks) and possibly summit Gosford again. Someone could bag a couple of 3Ks (Boundary HH & Mon. 450) while I'm at it.

Friday (Aug 25):
Climb Bowman, Barker and Twin Peaks. If time, climb Marble again. Then drive to US via Route 3 in Pittsburg NH. If time, climb Prospect Hill and visit 4th Connecticut Lake on boundary near Route 3. Stay at Lake Francis campground in Pittsburg. If you wanted to, we could split after Marble and you could bag the Saddles and then meet at the campground.

Saturday (Aug 26): Climb Salmon, Kent, d'Urban, Snag Pond, and Rump.

Sunday (Aug 27): Climb Deer, Magalloway and Diamond Ridge (and the Stubs if we're not exhausted). Travel back to Boston area via New Hampshire.