4/2 sawteeth, pyramid, gothics, armstrong


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Lake road had mushy snow in the morning, mud with some ice by mid afternoon. All brook crossing are very high and the waterfalls leave one in awe.
Sparse snow cover low on the Weld trail, but plenty of snow up high. No ice to speak of though I carried crampoms. The snow has the consistency of whipped cream so snowshoes are an absolute necessity.
I love standing in the col between Gothics and Armstrong and looking back at my tracks down the cornice.
All the ladders on the Beaver Meadows trail are pretty much completely clear. Two men post holed the trail until just below the ridge where they finally turned around, leaving as appalling a mess as I have ever seen in snow that deep. Many, many hip deep prints. I found the descent somewhat dangerous as a result. About .2 miles before the falls the snow turns to water and mud. Below the falls the trail to the road is largely under water

I wore zip off pants and a tank top. Bring lots of sun screen along with snowshoes