#47 & #48- Wildcats WEEKDAY HIKE


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Sep 19, 2005
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Fairfax, VA... land of the 2-hour commute
Just wanting to see if there'd be anyone up for a weekday hike bagging the 2 Wildcats. This would be #'s 47 & 48, definitely don't want to complete the list solo!

Wildcat Ridge Trail is not 1 of the easier trails, particularly the ascent, so crampons are essential. Per recommendation of the AMC guidebook & other hikers, we will be starting off from Pinkham Notch to avoid the Glen Ellis River crossing.
The Lost Pond approach to WRT is good, we came down the Polecat ski trail the last time which meant we had a 2 mile road-walk to get back to our cars.

The boss says I only have 2 vaca days left, both are spoken for unfortunately, wish I could go, that's a great hike!
I would like to hike the Wildcats via the Pole Cat ski trail and do an up and back to Carter Dome from the hut, before hiking out 19-Mile Brook Trail some time before the end of November. A car spot would save about 3 miles of road walking.
I could live with that, especially since when I bagged Carter Dome I skipped Mt. Hight, which doesn't count as 1 of the 48 but I'm told has outstanding views.

By the way, I have off this week Monday, Tues, Wed & Thus but the weather forecast doesn't look very cooperative. Stay tuned!