48th on the 4th!!! (and 47th on the 3rd)


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Double Bow

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Apr 29, 2005
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Ashuelot, NH (anyone know where that is?) Avatar:
Well, the event years in the making is finally here! As much as I've been dragging my calloused heels about it, I'm finally going to be going for my 48th 4K, Carrigain. I didn't originally plan it this way but, if I want to finish before my birthday this year (which I do) it's going to have to be on the Fourth of July.

The plan is to do a loop revisiting my 1st (Adams) and hitting my 47th (Madison) on the 3rd and then doing Carrigain on the 4th. While I would love to have all my friends and family there, I am respectful of the group size regulations in the wilderness. However, we do have some room in our group due to some cancellations. I know it's kinda short notice but, if there is anyone who would like to join us for either or both of these hikes, please PM me by Thursday afternoon. We'd love the company!
Congradulations, I'm happy for you. I did my 31st today and hope to finish up around Labor Day. Carrigain is a great hike with some of the best views in the Whites but one thing to keep in mind is that it can be a leg beater. It's a very rocky trail that takes its toll on your legs so dont over do on the 3rd.

Enjoy your day!

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