6 More Weeks of Winter!


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Double Bow

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Apr 29, 2005
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Ashuelot, NH (anyone know where that is?) Avatar:
If you take your weather reports from the same source I do (animals who live underground) then you know to believe it when the world's most famous weather predicting subterrainian mammal, Punxsutawney Phil, tells us that there will be six more weeks of this bone-chilling arctic weather!

Here's the story!
I don't think Bill Murray listened to that "fuzzy little foreigner"...oh that's right, he was talking about the head greenskeeper. Anyway, it would be nice to get some winter for a while.
Hmm, that's funny....I just got off the phone with a friend in Daytona Beach and he said there's 6 more weeks of summer!
The next six weeks of winter will be the first six! Not that my oil bill has complained much. February & March tend to have a NorEaster or two, it's just a matter of what air mass will be overhead when it comes up the coast.
While this warm weather makes my running schedule easier, bring on some frickin' blizzards! That little rodent of a groundhog will be in my crockpot for a stew if there isn't some real winter weather soon. I've yet to use my snowshoes this winter.
Pretty smart ground hog but to be precise, it's six weeks and four days.