8/18 Saturday True Northface of Gothics


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Sep 5, 2003
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Wilmington Peak
So planning right now, to climb the slide on the true northface of Gothics, go over pyramid and bushwhack up Sawteeth. Return to Gothics and Bushwhack down off from Armstrong. The route on Saweeth is still up in the air but will be from lower on the trail, somewhere along the ridge. From Armstrong we will follow a gully to a brook back down to the trail.

Anyone crazy enough to join Brian and I?? We will have to get a very early start, no later than 6am for this ball buster. Start from the Garden end at the Garden. Only bail out would be not doing Sawteeth if we felt time would be an issue. Will be a higher pace hike into the Garden as to save time for off trail travel.
I'm your Huckleberry! I like how you just throw in bushwhacking down Armstrong, aren't there cliffs everywhere? :rolleyes: Is Sunny coming on this one, lots of cliffs? I have a 4x2 inch bruise of the deep black/purple/yellow color from trying to keep up the pace with him up gravestone.
Sunny will be there. Cliffs don't stop her. Actually, nothing really does. She is a bushwhacking machine.

I somehow knew you'd join in on this one.

I'll be there by 6, with all those other people that got in on this one. :rolleyes: The most you got was a cool from Una_Dogger who is positive about everything. :) We should meet at the overflow parking lot in Keene and save the Garden a car on a Saturday in peak season.