8/6 Huntington, Washington, Great-Gulf Loop


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Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
Clarksville, MD Avatar: Babo, SE Arete, Summit
8/5 Huntington, Washington, Great-Gulf Loop

Hi All:

This will be a challenging day for Sat, August 5th :D. Pending good weather, an early start is in order to begin the descent off washington by between 12:00 pm and 1 pm.

The plan is to leave pinkham notch visitor center between 6 and 7 am, climb Washington via Huntington's (Class 3 scramble, fantastic exposure :eek: ) and then descend the long way down the great gulf trail (class 2/2+, and a mindfull eye for loose rock )

Any takers?


P.S. Not that it needs to be said.... Bring sticky shoes, sturdy legs, and the mindset required for presidential weather & terrain. (If what this trip entails isnt already obvious, perhaps we should discuss this further...Huntington's Ravine trail has been described by many as the most technically difficult established trail in the whites. PM me or email: [email protected])
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It's this weekend for me

Headed that way tomorrow...

...See thread "this weekend or next..." below.

Is there anything I can keep and eye open for that you'll want to know about for the 5th?