A Lesser Known Tripyramid Hike 12-1-13


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Jan 24, 2012
Reaction score
Canaan, NH
Last Sunday I was really hoping to climb Mt Jefferson and possibly Washington but a less that desirable forecast (windchills well below 0) made me change my mind Saturday night. I wasn't so worried about myself as I was Marlie. She can only layer up so much. I decided that the Tripyramids would fit the bill and I could still get some red lining in. I had never been on the 3 miles of the Livermore Tr between the Kanc and Old Skidder Tr so that would be the starting point.

The drive up the Kanc at 7am was a little icy but nothing that couldn't be handled with caution and regulated speed. Unfortunately for another driver that was not the case. Just west of the pass, a westbound driver had skidded off the road into the giggly weeds. As I slowed, I noticed a paper bag under a windshield wiper and could see no one around. I assumed it was a note stating that they had gone for help so I continued on. As I slowed again near Lily Pond I was having trouble locating the trailhead for the Livermore Tr. I had a good idea where it was but having never been on it before I started to second guess myself and I drove right by. After turning around I returned and parked along the wide plowed shoulder near Lily Pond. A quick recon across the street and I found the Trailhead sign snapped off by a snowplow and lying face down in the snow. I resurrected the sign then grabbed my pack and Marlie and began our adventure at 7:30 am.

The Livermore Tr follows some old roads and passes through some open hardwoods before climbing steeply for a short distance to Livermore Pass. This steep section also had a steep side slope which would be interesting if buried under feet of snow. I was a little worried at first as there was 3+ inches of snow with a breakable crust on top. Coupled with the ice that had frozen on the tops of all of the puddles, the walking was less than desirable. At least there was no water in the puddles but I never knew if the ice would hold me or not.

Turn Left Here


Climbing up to Livermore Pass


Livermore Pass


Once we reached the pass the trail started to resemble an old road again. There were very few blazes to follow so the old road was reassuring. The ground was still a mix of rock, roots, and thin ice so careful foot placement was necessary. Once we reached the Flume Brook Ski Tr the trail quality improved greatly. Also on this side of the pass there was only about 1/2 inch of snow despite being higher in elevation. A short distance further and the trail was on the road that we all know that ascends from Tripoli Rd.

Livermore Tr


Soon we were at the Scaur Ridge Tr and we turned left and began to climb up to Scaur Ridge and Pine bend Brook Tr. This trail is probably the easiest way to climb the Tris. It follows an old logging road and has a nice easy grade. Through the fog and clouds the daunting North Slide could be seen. Once at the PBB Tr we turned right and began the final push up to the summit of North Tripyramid. There was a fair amount of ice on the steeper section but I continued to bareboot without any issues although careful foot placement was necessary.

At the summit of North Tripyramid we took a short break and observed some odd hack marks on a tree. Perhaps some illegal viewscaping in the works. What I can't figure out is why would you bother slowly cutting trees on a summit unless you plan on visiting it several times and if you do hike enough to visit N tri several times don't you love the forest enough to just let it be? There is already a nice view cleared to the NE. :roll: There were no views to be had at the moment so after putting on the microspikes we headed off to Middle Tripyramid where were were treated to some views of Passaconaway and Chocoura.


Marlie at the Summit of Middle Tripyramid


We then made our way back over North Tripyramid and headed down meeting the only other person of the day just before the junction of Scaur Rudge Tr. If I had not missed the trailhead and spent a few moments putting the sign back up, we wouldn't have seen another person the entire hike. :D After a short distance along Scaur Ridge Tr, the microspikes came off and it was smooth sailing. The sun was trying to poke through and view towards the North Slide had cleared but it still looked steep.


Even the 300 foot climb back up to Livermore Pass was not bad, as the footing was excellent along that portion of Livermore Tr. We arrived back at my truck at 2:15 pm, 6 hr and 45 min after we had started. As I unpacked I could hear voices and a dog barking. To my surprise there were three people ice skating and a dog out on Lily Pond. :shock: I'm not sure if I would trust the ice yet, but to each their own I guess.

The Pics: https://plus.google.com/photos/117581678131843187857/albums/5953352103137141761

NETC: http://www.newenglandtrailconditions.com/nh/viewreport.php?entryid=14728