A mountain man lives on the lamb on the Utah-Arizona border


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Calling this guy a "Mountain Man" strikes me as a complement he doesn't deserve. I hope he's shot or captured before he hurts someone walking into their own cabin or shed.
I somewhat agree with Chip, and would use the term homeless. We have them here in New England, too, I bet.
Calling this guy a "Mountain Man" strikes me as a complement he doesn't deserve. I hope he's shot or captured before he hurts someone walking into their own cabin or shed.

I agree that he sounds like a bad dude, but he is a mountain man. Seems to me they could hire some tough guys to go find him and flush him out before someone gets hurt. I think you should be able to live out there, but not if your going to break laws like breaking and entering and theft. Thers got to be some combat vets out there who could go check this dude out.
Yea....Leonard Padilla and associates. Bounty Hunters! :D
I wonder if there is a reward out for his capture? Bounty hunters wouldn't be as likely to go to the effort if they weren't getting money for it, would they?
Maddy,you must be home watching that show on Nat.Geo!MEE too:)And they are busting a homeless guy,Padilla looked out of breath hiking that half mile in to the homeless camp.
I was getting ready for my pm hike and my remote hit Bounty Hunters. Never watched it before. Not a bad show when you consider your options.
I wonder if there is a reward out for his capture? Bounty hunters wouldn't be as likely to go to the effort if they weren't getting money for it, would they?

Not sure about that Ellen. I think you might be right. It sounded good though.
This guy is a dangerous criminal: breaking and entry, theft, destruction of personal property. Calling him "Homeless" or a "Mountain Man" insults those communities. You can be an honest, law adibing, non dangerous Mountain Man or homeless person.

Bounty Hunters aren't vigilantes, they're trying to locate criminals who've skipped out on bail bonds. It's not legal for me to go find this guy, kill him and bring him in for the reward. That's what lawman get to do. Rewards are generally for info leading to the arrest and conviction of.

And PS: If I got to my cabin and it had been broken into in the dead of winter and the person ate and drank and left, I'd forgive him assuming he was in a life threatened situation. If he's getting drunk, stealing my gear and shooting the place up as SOP, that's alot different.
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