A New Tradition-trail running before the beer nights


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Early Bird

Active member
Jan 18, 2007
Reaction score
Hollis, Conway
When Amstony posted something about running 4 miles before Alpinista’s beer night, I thought there might be an inside joke involved. Still I figured I’d bite and see what happened. Running is not my favorite outdoor activity. I run primarily as a way to stay in shape for hiking and can always use motivation to get out. A VFFT group run sounded motivating.
After further PMs and posts to figure out the logistics, the plan was set to meet at Mine Falls in Nashua for a 4:00 run. Mine Falls is a 325- acre wooded park with trails suitable for walking, running, mountain biking, and in the winter for skiing and snowshoeing. Its trails run along open fields and wetlands including the Nashua River, a canal system, and Millpond. Amstony planned our scenic route, a loop of approximately 3.8 miles along the Cove Circle Trail.
Stepping out of my car to meet Amstony and Alpinista, I was glad I’d committed to doing this with others. It was a blustery afternoon with temperatures in the 30’s and I certainly wouldn’t have been out there if people weren’t counting on me to show up. Alpinista promised we’d warm up soon. I knew she was right.
We set off into the woods by crossing a bridge over the Nashua River. From there it was a short uphill on a paved trail and left on the Cove Circle Trail. Talking a little here and there (I’ve never been able to talk much while I run.) we headed east along the canal towards an oxbow lake. At this time of day, the sun was already starting to set. Pinks and silvers lined the clouds peaking out at us from behind the gold and russet leaves of the oaks that lined the far side of the canal. At one place I spotted a great blue heron perched perfectly still, camouflaging with the dead limbs it sat atop. We turned at the top of the canal to head through a parking area of old mills and rejoined the trail heading west now with the river on our right. Few other runners were out now. The girls’ cross-country team we’d seen earlier was done, and with the oncoming dusk the dog walkers and other runners were gone too. About 35 minutes after beginning, we were back at our cars, ready for the beer night and feeling like we’d earned it.
I enjoyed running with some new folks and hope to run with both of them again. Either in the picturesque Mine Falls or maybe in NY next time I’m out there. Alpinista and Amstoney, thanks for a great start to the evening.
Back atcha, Early Bird! It was great to finally meet you, get in a nice trail run and the post-carbo-load with the VFTT gang!