A plea to Webshots users


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bikehikeskifish said:
Yes, true, but then I cannot do inline photos in my TRs, a feature many have said that they enjoy. Well, I can inline photos, but I am relying on the URLs not changing, which in turn relies on the hosting service not changing, ...

Self-hosting isn't that expensive, but even something that inexpensive makes the Mrs. go "Hmm... make your VFTT friends pay for it if they want to see your pictures." :D


Tim -

Not that I'm promoting any one service over another (I use Flickr myself, but also have a Webshots account) - but you could always leave the existing images on Webshots, port to another, and roll on from there.

Again, no worries whatever you choose, but for those considering switching that might be a solution.


I never considered self-hosting, but it might be worth it for me with the Flickr and WordPress accounts...