A Roller Pack????????


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I'm going to try the Trap Dyke with it soon. :)

Actually, if the wheel could double as one of those mileage counter wheels, we could get (more) accurate trip lengths!

I think it looks terribly ungainly.

Are not wheeled devices prohibited in wilderness areas?!?!?

Just when you think you've seen everything...
i think it looks pretty cool....but wouldn't you lose all the benefit on the steeps?
On the ups it would be more weight to haul up, and on the descents, it would be pushing you down the mtn, unless you put it in front of you, which doesn't seem like a good idea either...
Its like a pulk for the summer....
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I think a pack like that would be perfect for hauling large loads (think beer) into Marcy Dam or Flowed Lands. Sadly, it would prove unsuitable for hauling out the empties, which would have to left in an inconspicuous spot behind the lean-to.
I've considered something similar, broken down to it's components (poles should serve double or triple duty) attached with existing pack (adapted) so that only the wheel would actually be extra weight - creating something one or 2 people could use to evacuate another hiker.

If my wife sees this she'll want me to Rickshaw her into my next overnight.;)
That's exactly what Dream Farmer wants. His sleeping bag weighs 10 lbs at least.

The chick is a big plus ;) but my wife wouldn't like it.:( To many sharp objects around the house and I got to fall asleep eventually. :eek:
That's exactly what Dream Farmer wants. His sleeping bag weighs 10 lbs at least.

The chick is a big plus ;) but my wife wouldn't like it.:( To many sharp objects around the house and I got to fall asleep eventually. :eek:

Good luck with that - I don't think she comes with it.
My first thought is that this is a really dumb idea for hiking in the Whites. In fact, that was my second thought, too. My third thought is that if they come up witih a powered, self-propelled version that would help to push me up the trail, I'm in.
I'm looking at it as an accident waiting to happen!
Certainly you might wish to buy the accessory quick-attach floats or the carbon wheel vario-shock absorber....looks like a marketers dream come true, lol.