A satellite view of our recent snowstorm


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Well-known member
Nov 9, 2003
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This is a really amazing satellite view of the aftermath of the Valentine's Day snowstorm. Seeing the snow line is pretty wild. The hi-res images are worth looking at, too, if you've got the bandwidth.

"After a late-winter snow and ice storm, the clouds over the Northeast United States cleared on February 19, 2007, affording the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite this stunning view of the brown and white landscape."

Nice shot. I especially like that the Great Wall of Massachusetts is visible from space and that other states were so considerate as to shovel out along their borders.

... and depending on your point of view, you have to pity those in that brown band that runs southeast. :rolleyes:
Hey - I can see my house! :D
Seriously - real cool shot Michael - thanks for sharing.
Interesting how the mountain ranges are more green than white - treetops and wind blowing the snow cover are my guesses.
Thanks for sharing. On Friday, Feb 16th I drove from my home in northern Vermont to Falmouth, MA (to run the Martha's Vineyard road race the next day), and recall the dramatic drop off of snow cover while travelling from north of Boston to south Boston. 2' and 1' looks about the same to me, but 6" vs. nothing is a dramatic difference! The snow was gone by the time I got south of Boston, nice to see it from the air ! Cheers - John
Looks like there was another oreo on the lens in Round Valley Reservoir in NJ too..
Pete_Hickey said:
Ditto. Where were you standing when you took that photo?

Just remember when you look at it that objects in that photo are closer than they appear. Or further. Depending on your point of view.

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